1 | Guilt

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NOTE: None of the members know Suga's real name or have dared to ask. Gogi sundubu-jjigae is spicy soft tofu stew with beef. Kimchijeon is a Kimichi pancake (btw it's really good and you should have it one day). Kkotppang is some steamed flower-shaped buns. 

"SUGA!! For the millionth time, get your ass down the stairs right now or I won't cook for you ever again!"

I groaned in exasperation pushing my chair from my desk and stretching my sore back. "SUGA!! I swear if you don't come down the stairs in 5 seconds, I will kill you with my bare hands." Jin yelled from the kitchen. I chuckled at the threat, like he would dare. Everyone knew that I could kick their asses at fighting so why bother?


I opened the door slowly and walked out of my workroom.


My hand gripped the railings as I made my way down the stairs.


Jin's face came into view and it was red from his furious mode. I smirked at his expression and bit back a laugh. He glared at me when he located the sound source and tapped his foot on the ground as if to say "You're gonna get it!"

I smiled charmingly at him and he scoffed in response. "Just in time, Suga hyung! It looked like Jin was about to go up there and drag you down." Namjoon was obviously oblivious to the tension between us or chose to ignore it.

"Hey hyung!" Hoseok always welcomed me warmly no matter the mood. I had to admit that he was growing on me and I had a hard time ignoring him.

"Hello Hobi," I replied coolly and sat with the other members around the table. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook A.K.A the Maknae line stared at me with shock and curiosity. It was kind of cute to get all the members riled up like this and they had started to feel like the family I never had. 

I was the second-oldest and had 5 little brothers who were annoyingly endearing at times. Jin always looked out for me and I for him but it was always fun to get him mad like this. He was quite funny when mad but never punished you. The Maknae line was so spoiled and now never know when to stop. 

Jin didn't stop glaring at me when he sat down but when he accidently knocked down the salt on the table, he snapped out of it and cleaned up. 

"Well, Suga I am pleased that you have decided to join us for dinner," he said through clenched teeth and it seemed like his comment had really meant the opposite but I ignored it. 

Jin set the rice bowls around the table, to each of us in turn with the chopsticks. Hoseok set the Gogi sundubu-jjigae in the middle and the smell made my stomach growl in anticipation. Namjoon came around the table with  Kimchijeon and everyone's eyes followed it as he set it down slowly. 

Jin came back again with a platter of Kkotppang with some stir-fried meat that was making us drool notably.  Then they all sat down and we started digging in. Taehyung bite into his veggies that were supposed to keep him fed tonight (he's a vegetarian vampire) and his eyes started to glow aqua blue (a good sign that he was feeding well). The members were noticeably uncomfortable and were agitated for some reason. They fidgeted with their hands and that was one key sign that someone was nervous. 

Over the years, I have learned to read faces and body language and clearly the members wanted to tell me something and weren't sure how to approach it.

"Well, Suga tell us about yourself," Namjoon asked and I shrugged.

"There is nothing to tell."

"YOU SAY THAT EVERY FRIGGIN' TIME! WE'VE LIVED TOGETHER FOR 5 MONTHS AND WE DON"T EVEN KNOW YOU'RE REAL NAME!" Jimin exploded, standing up now with his hands firmly on the table. 

My face stayed stoic, free of any emotion as I stared at him blankly and he eventually calmed down.

"It's true though isn't it? We don't know a thing about you," Jungkook carefully added. I had to admit that if I had lived with someone for 5 months and known nothing about them, I would be kind of freaked too.

"Fine, I admit that you guys know nothing about me. What do you want to know?" I conceded.

"Your name," Taehyung said, pointing his fork at me. 

"Can't tell you that and in fact I haven't told anyone that, not even the CEO," I said. They all stared at me and shook their heads in unison.

"Do you have any connection with the royal family?" Jimin asked and I choked on my beef.

"What did you ask me?" I asked once again.

"I said do you have any connections with the royal family?" Jimin asked once again, his eyes trailing my every move. 

My heart rate increased and I started to sweat more as I uttered my response.

"No, I have no connection what-so-ever with the royal family. Where did you even hear such a thing? Do you not hear how ridiculous that sounds? The royal family having a connection with me, a normal human with no powers? Gosh guys you believe so much these days. Next thing you know you'll tell me aliens are real."

I talk a lot when I become nervous so I hope that they hadn't noticed that during the short period I had hung around them.

Jin laughed nervously. "See you guys I knew it wasn't true."

Jimin still analyzed me suspiciously, it was clear in his body language that he suspected me. Did I blame him? No, I found myself suspicious too. When you look at it from their perspective, a guy joining the band three months after they had officially debuted. They weren't told his real name and the guy barely talked to him. He only put on a show when on television and off camera acted very melancholy. 

I sure as hell would've snapped like Jimin and it was only fair to tell them more about me. 

"So where on earth did you hear that?" I asked again.

"There was a rumor at the company before you came. We've always been so curious," Hoseok explained, shooting a look at Jimin.

"Okay, so what else do you want to know except my name?" I prompted.

"How about your family?" Taehyung suggested. I stiffened at the mention of my family's history.

"Well, I have a mother, father, and older brother who all kicked me out of our house when I said that I wanted to pursue music as a career. My father wanted me to be a businessman and thought a producer was a silly job. My mother owned a restaurant and wanted me to take over it but I refused. I had a sort of good relationship with my brother until the last time I spoke with him." 

They stared at me with sympathy and I looked away. I felt uncomfortable talking about my family and sure as hell didn't deserve their sympathy. 

"Dang," Jungkook murmured and looked sad for me.

"Well, I for one do not believe your sob story," Jimin said, still glaring pointedly. 

"Park Jimin!" Jin reprimanded, pointing his fork at him. "What? I was stating facts." Jimin still stared at me as gazing deep into my soul. He doesn't want to know what goes on in there for sure and, if he does then he will be forever scarred. 

He is to be warned. 

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