2 | Flashbacks

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All of the italics are Yoongi's flashbacks

I finished my meal hurriedly, and went up to my shared room with Jin in haste. Talking about my past triggered something about me that only comes out in worse times. Flashbacks were reliving memories and memories were painful. I shut the door to the bathroom, only to sink to the floor with my head in between my knees. 

The world went black and I knew that I was being transported to the past that I abhorred. I was back in the throne room of the castle, a place were only the worst of memories were, and face-to-face with the King of Korea. My father was looking at me with no sign of pity on is face and my mother stood at his side, her face was curled up in disgust making her petite features look prominent with hatred. 

"What is it that you want, Father?" I addressed him, sparing a curious glance to my older brother who stood behind me, stubbornly avoiding my gaze.

"You shall address me as 'Your Majesty,' you filthy disgrace of our family name! You don't deserve the name 'Min' anymore!" I tried to hide my flinch at his choice of words but failed shamefully as I looked down to the floor, not wanting to meet his glare. 

"And why is that, Your Majesty?" My words were cool and devoid of any emotion that ran through my body at the time. 

"We have received your evaluation results and are displeased with you," Mother told me, her mouth curled into a snarl. I immediately knew that the results were wretched and that I was dead to them.

"What are the results?" I asked, still cool and calm though inside I was panicking hard. Father threw a paper to the floor and I scurried my pitiful ass to pick it up from the cold tile. 

At the top of the paper, my birthname was written in a elegant font. Min Yoongi, the name assigned to me from birth was in bold, blocky letters. Inside, I always knew what I would get and had prepares myself mentally for this day.

This was the reason, I didn't have any muscles or why I smelled so sweet. This was why I would be banished from my home and rejected by my family.

Below my name, lay two ranks. The worst possible ranks for me. A little and an omega. I was doomed.

I looked desperately behind me, seeking sympathy from the person who had been supporting me from birth. He refused to look at me and my chest constricted with the damage.

Oh how I was royally screwed.

"You, Min Yoongi are hereby stripped of the title, prince and are banished from Daegu forever."

I met Father's eyes which were flashing red from his Alpha command and gave a little smirk.

"Fine, have it your way because I never intended to stay in the first place."

My mother who had never raised me or fed me, the same one who replaced nanny after nanny when I threw the most dreadful tantrums because I wanted her attention, glared at me. I was surprised at the words that left her mouth after it.

"You were never me son anyway. My wretched younger sister was so ashamed of having a child before her wedding that she gave you to me. Your real mother never cared about you anyway."

I made a choking sound and she looked smug at hearing me being speechless. Was it really true? I knew from the way Father looked at me that it was. He had been probably wanting to say it for years but never got to. He always gloated in my sadness.

It WAS true and this broke my heart a little more. Was I that useless that my birth mother was willing to give me up to her horrible older sister?

Yes, I was and Geumjae still refused to look at me. I had an inkling that he knew all along anyway. I hid my face in my bangs and was determined to not let my emotions betray me. I was to be strong, no matter the rank, I would always be me. 

I left at noon, no one came to wish me. I was alone, hungry, and sad but I knew that this was to be my fate from the very beginning and no matter how hard I try to hide it, Father would have found out in the end. Father always finds out in the end.

My horse and I had a lot of rough nights after that day but we managed. I was able to rent an apartment for a couple of months with the money I earned doing various odd jobs and selling my horse. Then, I found my calling. One of my odd jobs had required me to help a man produce his hand-made album and I loved making it. The process and the work were just what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I like to think that it called to me. So, I auditioned into BigHit Entertainment after my solo rapper career as Gloss and got in as a trainee. I stayed for 3 years before finally debuting as BTS.

Though it was a long journey, I have no regrets.

"Suga?!" A voice called from the other side of the door. It was Jin. "What's taking you so long?" he asked in a worried tone. I quickly made up a lie. 

"Oh sorry! The kimchi isn't staying in to well." I replied with a little groan, to add an effect. 

"It's all okay, Jungkook has a problem as well. If you need some tea to help, just tell me okay?" Jin said, always the one to take care of the members. 

"Okay," I agreed, anything to get him out. When he finally left, I breathed out a sigh of relief. 

Jin was the oldest so he was naturally the most motherly of all the members. It was one of his most endearing traits that everyone admired about him. His boldness and silly nature made everyone crack a smile, even in the worst of times. Jin was a caring hyung and would do anything if it would benefit his neighbors. His bad dad jokes always brightened the mood. He was the "mom," of the group. He was the delta with the special chopsticks (which he never uses).

If Jin was the "mom," then Namjoon had to be the "dad." Ever since we were just trainees Namjoon had this leader aura about him. Partly because he was an alpha and was born to lead but also because he cared about all his members. Even the ones who join after their debut. Namjoon was the responsible one and was SO clumsy. He's dubbed as the God of Destruction and continues to fulfill his legacy by destroying my mug the other day. He was the resident genius in the group with an IQ of 148.

Hobi was a sun witch and it showed. Everywhere he went he was like a happy bomb and was actually quite cheerful, on camera and off camera. His smile was so infectious and he really brightens all the member's days. He was also a dance machine and was a good rapper. Our little sunshine.

Jimin could be both hot and cold. He was a nice person but could be quite abrasive when faced with people he didn't like such as me. I didn't judge him for it and liked to stay out of his way though he had a reputation for being a soft little mochi in the inside. He was clingy and has he clubbiest cheeks which all the members insist is his best feature. Quite the singer and dancer as well and had graduated top of his class. He was a beta wolf. 

Taehyung is a vampire but no, he won't suck our blood in our sleep. He's vegetarian from birth and would never threaten his members. He was quite childish and an avid gamer when you got past his stoic expressions. He's the oddity of the group and manages to surprise us daily with his antics. He grew on me and has become quite the endearing little brother.  He's a loud person and not the best to have your room next to with his late night gaming sessions with the other maknaes. Both him and Jimin are the same age and are quite the duo with their constant bickering. 

At first, Jungkook was quiet and introverted. He would shower at night when everyone was asleep and wouldn't speak to anyone expect occasionally Taehyung. Eventually Taehyung managed to crack his shell and he became quite jovial and open. He was also an avid gamer and was generally good at everything. Hence the name, "Golden Maknae." It grew on him and us as he continued to show off his multiple talents in dancing, singing, sports, and cooking. He would do anything for the members and is the overprotective alpha. 

I exited the bathroom after putting on my pajamas and wished the members a good night's rest before flopping onto bed. I went to sleep quite smoothly when my head hit the pillow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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