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Name: Virgil
Nicknames: Virge, Vee, V
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay & Polyamorous
Hair Color: Brown with purple tips
Eye Color: Green (left) and purple (right)
System Role: Fictive, Protector, Trauma Holder/Memory Holder
Source: Sanders Sides
Birthday: December 19th (Sagittarius)
Species: Human (but has fangs for some reason)
Height: 5'3
Hobbies: Sitting where no one else sits, cooking/baking, songwriting, playing piano, and guitar
Other: He's dating a Roman fictive from another system. He has 2 sons named Viper and Vander. Considers Logan and Patton to be his parents. He listens to emo bands and alternate music a lot.
Ok With Touch?: No, unless you know him well.
Ok With Nicknames/Honorifics?: Only the nicknames listed.
Positive Triggers: Shades of purple, make-up, his S/O, Buzzfeed Unsolved, emo bands
Negative Triggers: Manipulation, others grabbing him/the body



When he age regresses:

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When he age regresses:

Age: 2-6 (normally 3 or 4, rarely 6)
Other: He gets quiet and unresponsive, but this is normal. He usually finds everything interesting and is very clingy to others. If you're taking care of him and need help, get Remus, Janus, or Patton by using one of their positive triggers. Be very gentle with Virgil as to not scare him. He also loves hugs and cuddles when he's age regressed, so give him lots.

Remus' Positive = Complimenting his boyfriend (CVee) or talking about celebrity gossip.
Janus' Positive = 'Wake Up Romeo' or 'Lone Digger' lyrics (he'll finish the lyrics).
Patton's Positive = Bringing up dogs, cats, or his boyfriend (Logan).

Little Virgil's triggers: Yelling, arguing, loud noises



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