The Movie Night

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Day 21

"What's poppin' ay?" Lily smirks when she's holding up the plastic bag with grains of corn. I giggle at her pun and take the bag out of her hands, "hopefully the popcorn!".

"That would be great. I'm starving actually.." Jack speaks up who's leaning in the doorframe with his head down focusing on his phone. He's been standing and typing right there for like ten minutes now. I think the convo he's having is important. And with important I mean my sister.

"You shouldn't eat popcorn when you're hungry! It won't make you feel full." I respond to his comment and put the bag of popcorn into the microwave, adjusting the time. "Grab yourself an apple or something." Lily suggests to her brother when shrugging her shoulders.

"An apple? Am I mom or what?" He rolls his eyes and finally puts his phone aside. Seems like Nina has to wait a little longer for her next answer. "Have we got some frozen pizza?" Queries Jack when kneeling down in front of the freezer. Lily and I equally do a face palm as we can hear his knees cracking at the apparently too sudden movement.

No one makes the effort the give him an answer to his question as he's already going through the drawers looking forward to see one of those hard packs.

"Do we have an idea of what film we're watching?" I speak up after a while and sit down at the table with my eyes randomly staying on the microwave, seeing how the bag builds itself up as the grains of corn pop. Lily shakes her head, making an annoyed face as Jack takes out a salami pizza he found in the freezer and pushes the drawer shut, making an unpleasantly loud noise. He mouthes a sorry.

"What about something old? Like, you know, nineteen hundred whatever.." Jack says as he stands to his feet again and turns on the oven before ripping the plastic off of the pizza. I eagerly nod my head yes, "I'm in!". "An old horror movie." Lily smirks and applauses with her hands.

I only roll my eyes at her but as I see Jack only shrugging his shoulders I blink mindlessly before turning my head to respond "alright so you definitely know me long enough to notice that scary movies aren't my type of thing! Still, you somehow always get me to accompany you on Halloween to watch a scary movie. And that's hard enough to recover from-" at that point Lily's grin was so big and she even opened her mouth to say something but I didn't let her interrupt me, "no no, let me speak. Now you want to force me to another scary movie during summer? Which is like the best season ever... Forget 'bout that!".

Lily chuckles and lifts a hand to hold it in front of her mouth. "Lizzy I was kidding." She smiles. "You're a witch." I coldly say but can't help the relieved smile. I'm honest: scary movies are not my favorites. I hate them to be exact.

"I knew you were kidding. You aren't as mean as you believe you sometimes are!" I say.
"Honey, is that supposed to offend me?" Lily laughs and laugh with her.

"Can I help with something?" I suddenly hear Johnny asking just the second after Lily finished her sentence. I'm slapping the urge to smile and move my head to look at him- the most handsome dude like of all time.

If it wasn't for his kids standing right next to me I would've just kinda melted like butter in a pan, having him catch me just in time so we could make out on the counter right here.
Hello, I'm dirty minded.

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