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For Citrine_the_sheep

Yeah, I suck at drawing rats-

Anyway, forgot that I haven't drawn fanart for Citrines AU, only her herself (Her character that's her online). So I decided I would.

Also it helps me practice drawing animals-

Anyway, here it is

Plague looks like a boy I just realised

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Plague looks like a boy I just realised. But hey, I don't think you've said anything about Plague being female or male, that or I've missed something. Also, yeah, the little weird thing at the bottom right corner is Plague, I was testing something cuz I saw it with Frisk and it looks sweet as-

Anyway, peace number two! (This one I'm proud of ^^ took me like one hour and fifty sometime minutes XD)

Anyway, peace number two! (This one I'm proud of ^^ took me like one hour and fifty sometime minutes XD)

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Gee, it doesn't even look like an animal

I hope you like this!

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