I got tagged again :)

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So I guess I won't be updating tomorrow since I can only do one of these each day

I was tagged by: swanshotcocoa
Thanks for the tag!

10 Questions:

1. Hair Color?
- Black

2. Favorite Subject?
- Science or maybe Music I can't really decide

3. Favorite Music Artist?
- One Direction but if we're talking about a solo then I usually stay in Louis' side of the fandom

4. Favorite Movie?
- I don't really watch movies but maybe Hercules

5. Favorite TV Show?
- I never get to watch TV as well but like if in a show on Netflix? I'd say Politician, i'm quite a fan of Ben Platt

6. Favorite Color?
- Navy blue

7. Allergies?
- none

8. Phobias/Fears?
- I have a few: Insects, Horror (or literally anything scary like murder etc.), performing in front of people that I know and being offline incase Larry came out 😂

9. Clothing Styles
- Skinny jeans all the way and just pair it with a shirt

10. Gender?
- Female

It was also mentioned that if we decide to do this we'll tag Captain_swan_fangirl

So yeah...

Here's the next one I was tagged by: -kraphtuos-

Thank you for tagging me :)

Thank you for tagging me :)

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1. Sexuality
- Straight

2. Gender
- Female

3. Happy?
- I'm trying to be, everything is just so stressful lately

4. Last song I heard
- Only The Brave by Louis Tomlinson (I just finished my daily listening to Walls)

5. Hair Color
- Black

6. Zodiac
- Leo

7. Last person I kissed
- Never even had my first one

8. Fav color
- Navy Blue

9. Fave food
- Kare kare (it's a filipino dish)

10. Battery %
- 95%

11. Fave Vegetable
- Carrots and it's not because i'm a Louie I just really like them

12. Celebrity crush
- No one

13. Eye color
- Black or for you practical people out there very very very dark brown

14. Shoe size
- 8.5 or a 9 depending on what type of shoe

15. Dream job
- Doctor

Now for those i'll tag just choose either one or both or just not do it at all











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