Dorian's Confession

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As soon as Cheza walked into the neatly groomed Guest Garden,a few women,all in roughly the same outfit,and identical Orlesian masks,trotted up towards her,with an air of importance,and quiet urgency.

"Lady Inquisitor!" Trilled the first one. "We are honoured to see you here! We have a message from Empress Celene!" She continued. "Thank you very much. Let's hear the message then,shall we? I'm honoured that the Empress would choose to speak to one such as me." She answered respectfully.

"Oh,no,Inquisitor. She is the one who is honoured. But,the Empress wishes to tell you that perhaps you would speak to the elven ambassador here,Briala,I believe. And also that she hopes to see you on the dance floor very soon." The woman recited,curtsying deeply,before the group sashayed off.

Cheza shrugged her shoulders,feeling sure she would dance whether Celene wanted her to or not. She sighed happily at the familiar face of Dorian. She quickly walked over to him,placing one slender hand on his shoulder. Dorian jumped,and gasped girlishly. "Oh,it's just you,Inquisitor. What's on your mind that you'd have to scare the living daylights out of me? This ball has me too much on edge,I'd only be half surprised if my mother and father from the Imperium showed up."

Cheza giggled a little. "And,why would that be such a bad thing if your parents showed up?" She questioned. Dorian sighed. "I prefer the company of men. Yes,as in sex,if you haven't heard of it. That's a big thing in Tevinter. When you're an Altus like me,and in a house such as House Pavus,you're mostly around like a showpiece. My mother and father were chosen to have me,never mind the fact they loathed each other entirely. In Tevinter,traits are selected to create the perfect mage,all weaknesses and liabilities weeded out. My father and mother have a soft spot for reprimanding me,and have an issue with my male preferences,since it means I have no woman to continue the House Pavus bloodline with." He explained to her,his eyes looking almost sad when he spoke of his homeland.

"Oh..I'm..sorry,Dorian. Are you alright..? Don't you miss the Imperium? Though your mother and father have issues with who you are,I definitely don't,I think it's sweet that you're different,in fact. You and Iron Bull sure are cute together." She said,trying to be as reassuring as possible to the troubled mage. Dorian chuckled a little,drawing a hand through his dark brown hair.

"Thank you,Inquisitor. That means a lot. You should know,I'd consider you a good friend of mine. I'd notice if you were gone,that's why I don't want you going into battle without me." Dorian confessed solemnly. Cheza was a little surprised,and felt a faint heat creep up to her cheeks and ear tips. "Why,Dorian! You're nearly as protective as Cullen himself!" She exclaimed. "Wait a minute,Cullen?" Dorian asked inquisitively. Cheza could have kicked herself. She hadn't meant to be so open about her affections for the commander,and his for her. "Yes..If you weren't aware before,Cullen and I have a..thing going on." She said awkwardly,her cheeks flaming.

Dorian covered his mouth with his hand,then burst out laughing. Cheza crossed her arms,and tapped her foot crossly. Dorian quickly ceased his playing. "I'm just joking,Inquisitor. I knew you two had something,I just wanted to hear you say it. You are remarkably adorable when you're embarrassed." He said,reaching out to trace her Dalish tattoos on her cheekbones. "You two are so obvious about it,I'm surprised you aren't screaming about your relationship from the tops of Skyhold." He teased playfully. Cheza lowered her eyes,incredibly embarrassed. "Oh..are we,now?" This made Dorian laugh a little. "Everyone notices how awkward and foolish you two seem to end up around each other,like baby deer finding their legs for the first time."

"Let's drop the conversation,Dorian." Cheza said,sounding a bit harsher than she'd wanted. Dorian dropped his hand from her high cheekbones,lowering his eyes a little. "I like playing with you,Inquisitor. Sorry if I've offended you." He apologized sincerely. "What I came here to tell you was that..could you please tell Cullen sometime that you and I have no romantic interest with each other? He's a bit jealous of how much time I spend with you,Dorian." Dorian blinked,startled. "Why,whatever would make him think we do? We're good friends,and you're a perfectly fine woman and all,but I'm not into your..gender. But I will if you wish." He managed.

"Thank you,Dorian. I want you to know that I consider you a good friend as well." She said,pulling Dorian close and hugging him. Dorian gently patted her on the shoulder. "Thank you,Inquisitor. It means a lot. Half the Inquisition probably thinks I'm about to sacrifice them in a blood magic Venatori ritual or something of that nature." He said,holding her close. "I'd never think that about you." She said,feeling his hands drop past her chest to her waist.

He smiled,and slowly placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. "You really are a sweet little thing,Inquisitor." He said,then let go of her,and turned. Cheza stared after him in shock. "Try not to get too drunk for me!" She called after him. "I'll try!" He called back,waving a hand at her. She giggled a little,then turned to leave the Guest Garden. She wanted to speak to Leliana and Josephine,their opinions always being the cutest,other than Dorian's and Cullen's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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