𝘚 𝔦 𝔵 .

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» ℌ𝔢'ˢ 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 «

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» ℌ𝔢'ˢ 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 «


The trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione have been suspecting Snape ever since the troll incident. Now, they claimed that the professor had jinxed Harry's broom.

Though Y/n believed otherwise, he didn't really speak up, thinking the three would just take it as a certain bias he had for his house. No one would believe him, not after all the things he pulled during the course of four months in Hogwarts.

For instance, the boy had been going around and poking Hufflepuffs with spoons, asking them if their house colors means they're covered in bees. Another one is when he had successfully stolen Professor Flitwick's wand, holding it above his head and laughing when the man tried to reach for it.

The only reason he got his wand back was because he bribed the Potter with books and alot of gum. He was immune to the idea of detention at this point. Though maybe it would've been wiser to just wait for another professor to pass by.

The other day, he had been chanting latin phrases while aggressively waving his wand around, claiming that it was "Extra credit for charms".

Y/n sighed, adjusting himself on the common room's couch to be more comfortable. Christmas break was coming up and he knew he wouldn't be coming home. He blew a bubble with his gum, popping as it reached a certain size.

As much as Hogwarts made him feel appreciated, he wanted to play some pokemon on Dudley's Nintendo 64, and probably steal a present or two from him once again.

He flipped the page of the muggle book he's reading, grinding his teeth every now and again as the faint sound of fire crackling and bubble gum popping somehow filled the empty room.

He wore a green t-shirt, though a bit small for him now since he had grown taller. His black hair, looked like a rat's nest, messy and clearly unkempt, as usual.

His feet dangled down the end of the soft common room couch, swinging around carelessly.

"What if.. I arrange a peace treaty with Voldemort..?" He asked himself, blowing his gum once again. "Surely that would make things easier if he became alive again, right?"

"What if I become the next dark lord? Hmm.. Not bad, I'll steal everyone's chickens then strangle them. Maybe steal a bit from the bank aswell"

He nodded to himself, a grin appearing on his face. "My motivations.. I became a dark lord because I can't use my broom properly.."

"Its lame. Perfect."

His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming down the stairs. He looked towards the direction of the noise, before going back to his book once more.

𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐇. Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now