Chapter 22: The Recovery Vacation-Part 2

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Act 2: Planning and Announcement/Planning and Secret Surprise Gift

While Heaven is resting; Mytho and Renesmee are out f the room, and they are walking down of the Hallway. While they are walking, they are thinking about having a late Honey Moon trip. "Mytho," said Renesmee. "What do you think about having our late Honey Moon trip?"

"Hmm...I was thinking about America, exploring into the New World." Mytho answered, "Or we can go to Egypt, and spend our time there at the Oasis place so we could relax."

"The Oasis," Renesmee purred. "Now that's sounds so promising,"

"I'd thought that you're going to say that," Mytho smiled.

"If we do go, we're letting Nightwind in charge while we're gone. Right?"

"Yes we are," Mytho nodded.

"Then let's go tell the others about our decision," then they both are heading towards the Throne Room.

At the Throne Room; Renesmee, Mytho, Nightwind, and Sonya are there. Then Mytho has stepped forward, "Let all birds old enough to fetch their own prey to gather around in the Throne Room!" Mytho called out, then the crows have gathered around in the Throne Room. "We know that we have failed to defeat our enemy," Mytho began. "But right now, we are going to have a moon off."

The crows whispered to one to another, suddenly they got quiet again.

"We'll let our fearless Captain of the Crows to explain why," then Nightwind stepped forward.

"You all know that the Shadow Game has become a draw and the cave collapsed, right?" Nightwind asked,

The crows kawed their answer,

"Well after and before the collapsing," Nightwind began. "There are two survivors that have got out in time, that is the Daughter of Princess Tutu and a boy from town. He saved the girl fro buried alive, but he was almost held as a prisoner. But our masters made a deal with him and I was ordered to pick a Crow Soldier and that is Darkwhisper. Then we both were ordered to escort him to the outside of our territory, suddenly we have bumped into or run into our fierce enemy."

Nightwind still can hear Mytho's growl right behind him; his right side, but yet he still continues.

"We did not fight, all we made is a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Sonya asked,

Glad that you might ask, Nightwind slightly smiled and it has disappeared. "It is about if we let the prisoner go, the king would allow us to hunt for innocent hearts for a moon." Nightwind began, "And allow us to settle down and recover during that time, and we can go back to wherever we have left off."

"Did King Siegfried agrees with it?" Mytho asked,

"Yes he did," Nightwind nodded. "That's why we are having a moon off,"

"Yes, and thank you for explaining to us about it." Renesmee weakly smiled,

"You're welcome your highness," Nightwind bowed and went back to his position.

"So we all will have a break before continuing fighting with our enemy," Mytho spoke. "Don't you all agree about this?"

The crows kawed their answer and everything went to silent.

"Good," Mytho sighed. "Because my wife; Renesmee and I are having our late Honey Moon trip,"

The crows whispered to one and another for a bit, then they went to silent.

"Renesmee and I; we both have decided to relax in a place called the Oasis in Egypt, there we will spend our Honey Moon trip alone."

"And we are letting Nightwind in charge to look out for you while we are gone," Renesmee adds in. "Also we both put Sonya in charge of guarding our writer and take good care of her while we are gone."

"That will be an honor," said Nightwind as he and Sonya bowed.

"If there's anything that you need, just ask Nightwind. He'll know what to do," Mytho let's them know.

The crows have replied, suddenly everyone is dismissed.

When every crow is gone; only Renesmee, Mytho, Nightwind and Sonya are left alone. "Now you both will make us proud, yes?" Mytho asked,

"We will do whatever we can to make you happy," Nightwind answered.

"I got a question," Sonya spoke.

"Yes?" Renesmee asked,

"Do I have to work at the Elders' Nest, do my training, and taking care of Heaven at the same time?"

"You're cleaning the Elder's Nest just for tonight," Mytho answered. "But yes, you are taking care of Heaven while you are doing your training."

"Oh," Sonya exclaimed.

"But right now, we better get packing to we could spend out time at the Oasis." Renesmee took Mytho's arm.

"That I cannot wait about it," Mytho smiled. Then they dismissed Nightwind and Sonya, and they both headed to their room so they could pack.


While they are gone, Nightwind and Sonya has come out from behind of a pillar. Sonya looks around the Hallway and listened to any sounds, then she closed the door. "The coast is clear," she said.

"Okay," Nightwind nodded. "Everyone, gather around." He ordered, then the same crows from before has appeared.

While they are very quiet, Nightwind took a deep breath. "I know that I haven't talk like this to the whole flock, but hear me out."

The crows whispered to each other, and got quiet again.

"I was thinking," Nightwind began. "While out masters are gone, we could make a surprise for them when they get back."

"What kind of surprise?" Sonya asked,

"A baby shower gift," he answered. "We can build a Royal Baby's Room/Nursery for our masters' so they won't do it for themselves."

"That's a great idea," said one of the Crow Elders.

"But...which room?" The Crow Nurse asked,

"How about the spare room at south-east wing?" Nightwind asked, "Sure it has been empty in the castle for a long time, so I thought that we can give it a make-over as a surprise gift for our masters' and the baby."

"But...we don't know if it's a girl or a boy," said one of the Crow Apprentices.

"So we can make a pile of gifts at each side," Nightwind answered. "One pile will be a girl and the other will be a boy; like pink wrappings for a girl and a light blue wrappings are for the boy. But no paintings on the walls, we all know that our queen hates that idea."

"And we can give our spare baby stuff so they can reuse for theirs'," said a Crow Soldier. "After it's fixed,"

"Exactly," Nightwind nodded.

"So what are we waiting for?" the other Crow Elder asked, "Let's get cracking,"

"Not until our masters' are gone," Nightwind slows him down. "We need this to be a surprise, not something to be blurted out."

"Oh...right," the Crow Elder exclaimed.

"So get everything ready 'till tomorrow afternoon," Nightwind ordered. "Right after our masters' are gone to their trip,"

Every crow nodded to agree, and they all dismissed themselves from the Throne Room and get ready for dinner.

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