One for me!

21 3 17

I got tagged by Katsuki_shindeku. Thank you again and everyone should follow this amazing bean! I actually haven't answered these questions so imma answer them!

1. Favorite Naruto clan?
...oi people are gonna get mad at me about this one...I hasn't watched it. I sowwy!

2. Favorite vegetable/fruit?
Favorite veggie is cauliflower. Favorite fruit is a tie between starfruits and strawberries.

3. Milk or juice?
Miiiilk! I love strawberry milk. It's my favorite.

4. Do you think you are smart, normal, or dumb?
Honestly depends. Sometimes I feel smart especially when asked about painting techniques or drawing ones and sometimes I feel dumb when I look for my phone everywhere and I find it in my pocket.

5. Fight with a plan or throw punches without thinking?
Uhh can I just avoid the fight all together? Honestly I hate confrontation but I usually over analyze everything so I guess fight with a plan.

6. Do you like board games?
Yes!!! Huge fan of scrabble, monopoly, and sorry. All amazing.

7. What kind of school do you visit?
Wizard kind. Jk jk. I'm homeschooled.

8. Who's the most important person out of your family (bloodline)?
This is a very hard question to answer. My mom is my best friend and I love her bunches. My grandma is my everything too though. She got me into art and she has given me everything I need to make the stuff I do.

9. Favorite story on wattpad?
Hmm HannaxO7 s group chat. I think it's very funny and I love that is has so many fun memories in it. ❤️

10. 15 tags! These are completely random sorry if you don't want to be tagged!


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