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Todoroki laid on his back on the bed after taking a shower and thought of the angry pomeranian again 'Ugh- why am I even thinking of him, this is the worst!' He face palmed himself and lay on his side and slept after all it was the night, still he wondered what kind of face the explosive boy would make if he really is an omega in heat 'DAMN IT, I hate to admit that but he'd be so hot!' he mumbled then dozed off.

\\\The following day and the time the Todoroki brothers meet up~///

Todoroki arrived at the agreed place and entered he looked around if his brother's arrived but when he saw no sign of his presence he took a seat on the table near the window to the left and played on his phone to kill some time, it was quite early so the store didn't have much customers.

Every time he heard the door opened he looked at the customers hoping his brother would finally arrived until there was a familiar face he saw "Ah!" they both said in unison.



Both their tones bored and lifeless and just on time Touya or should I say Dabi appeared behind them "You're prompt Shoto" he said, smirking then looked at the puzzled Shinso "Oh hey there kitty~" he muttered, flirtatious grabbing his brother's attention "Kitty? You serious?" He stared at him confuse.

"Don't call me that and- what the f*ck man! Get your hands off my a*s" the spiritless boy yelled half n half ignoring them "Aah~ c'mon it's not like you came here with someone" Dabi teased tightening his grip on the yelping boy's a*s "Oi stop it! And actually I did come here with someone" he exclaimed and this made the two interested "Are you sure you're not just making things up?" Dabi asked, suspiciously.

"Why would I lie if I'm not mistaken he should be here any min- before he finished the door jingled and another familiar face came in but you never expected who's face it is "You're late!" Shinso said, not very much mad and also not threatening and get this Baku's not his usual self and he really looks like a decent omega for once.

"Why would I lie if I'm not mistaken he should be here any min- before he finished the door jingled and another familiar face came in but you never expected who's face it is "You're late!" Shinso said, not very much mad and also not threatening an...

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^^^^^He's wearing that just lose the bat and imagine him on a ripped jeans without the dyed hair and heart tattoo^^^^^

Dabi whistled at the sight before him like Baku was somehow a chick while the half n half blushed seeing how hot Bakugo is getting him turned on though he shouldn't be "When'd you get a boyfriend?" Dabi joked, silently checking the omega out while Shinso giving the brothers speechless looks "Are you guys serious?" he questioned, disgust taking over.

"Eh! Why the hell is half n half in here? And he's sh*tty brother is also with him!" the grumpy pomeranian exclaimed and despite being in heat yesterday he still manage to control his desire for an alpha especially Icyhot. He's the reason why he became like that yesterday and it doesn't help that Baku's all wet on his insides and it's pretty hard holding it all in.

He glared at the turned on boy his face flushed as Shinso look at them suspiciously "Well since my date is here we're gonna go to the other table" he said gesturing to the table beside them when Dabi came towards the blushing kitten and sat him on his lap making him surprised and not only him but the other two as well.

"Oi wh-why are you- I can't believe you, you're clearly making him feel nervous" the sleepy head scolded while the half n half very agitated for having his- well not clearly his but soon to be kitten, he kept shooting daggers at his older brother who in return smirked at him "Who the hell told you that you can do this!?" the explosive boy threatened.

"Guess it can't be help, stay here Baku I'm getting something to order and you two- he glared at the two Todorokis and said "If you do anything  weird to him I'm killing you both" then left, at this point Baku became even more nervous he tried getting out of the taller boy's lap but his tight grip only prevented the smaller boy to escape.

"Don't try you'll only get hurt kitten~" Dabi spouted, seductively releasing his pheromones and making the poor kitty wet his pants even more his breathing became stiff he panted, the black-haired male teased his nape making him yelp. The younger Todoroki noticed this and picked up the yelping omega on his brother's lap and pulled him beside him sitting on his side of the couch.

He gave him his jacket covering the smaller boy's feminine figure and glaring at his teaseful brother "I was merely joking but- Shoto, he really is an omega his pants is totally wet" this made Todoroki stiff and got turned on even more 'Bakugo's an omega, Oh my god the one and only Katsuki Bakugo and my rival is an omega!' he thought, desire taking over him.

"His pheromones are slightly releasing you should get him away from here before we gather attention you can smell it can't you?" the older Todoroki reminded, the scent of the smaller boy lingered around them, caramel and honey scent what a good combination. He glanced back at the panting boy and without any hesitation he dragged him and went out the store.

Not long Shinso came back with their order "Where'd the two go?" he asked, worriedly "You're omega isn't feeling well I asked Shoto to nurse him" the flirtatious boy answered "I trust your brother... also he's not mine I was merely accompanying him" he replied.

"Oi! Wh-where are you t-taking m-me?" he stuttered barely standing the taller male assisting him "Don't talk... also do you have any suppressants with you?" he asked, concerned but eager "I-I think it's in my bag" 

"Alright hang on there's gotta be a nearby rest room somewhere" Shoto looked around to find a public rest room and he spotted one near a certain place "You've got to be kidding me" he growled, annoyed "What? Why?" the panting boy panicked "It's just- the only closest rest room is in a love hotel" he answered, reluctantly.

"What th-the hell is wr-wrong with t-that?!" Bakugo's legs gave out and he was basically leaning over the taller figure, he sighed and picked him bridal style and went towards the hotel "Don't blame me if anything happens" "Mhmm~" he cuddled on his chest, gripping his shirt wetting his pants even more.

"I-I can't take it mhmm~ an-anymore hmm~"

- to be continued.....

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