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Todoroki, Dabi, Tomura and Enji all got ready for the rescue mission and at this point a whole 20 minutes has passed since Bakugo's been kidnapped. Endeavor commanded all the other pros to fight beside him and because All Might retired he was left to rule, even Aizawa received the news and is extremely worried for his student. They all gathered at the meeting room and talked about the plan.

Bakugo felt a slight pain on his lower left and he couldn't see a thing his face seems to be covered with a black blanket, his hands tied behind him and a tape on his mouth, the only thing he knew is that he was sitting on an isolated place maybe underground considering the smell of metals.

He tried wiggling but his feet are tied too suddenly a voice spoke "Well, well looks like the omega's awake" at this rate his heart beat fasten and stiffened his body 'How does this bast*rd know I'm an omega?' he thought as the voice sounded hoarse. He shouted "What the f*ck do you need from me you a*s!? Whoever you are" the voice chuckled "Haha, you're quite cute I might play with you for a little while" this made Baku disgusted "Wh-who are you calling cute?!"

Since he was getting pissed of the voice mocking him, he got irritated and finally asked "Who even the f*ck are you?!" no one answered and footsteps are heard coming closer to him and this made him nervous suddenly he felt weak, his body becoming hot and- alpha pheromones 'Don't tell me this guy's an alpha? YOU'VE GOT TO BE F*CKING KIDDING ME!' Baku thought.

Finally the blanket was gone and a light shown though it was pretty bright but he couldn't care less he was in heat again and it's all because of the alpha guy who kidnapped him, once the bright light reduced his vision cleared and he saw a familiar face "Aren't you the Chisaki guy or something?" he questioned, Chisaki smirked at him and said "I am quite famous aren't I? Though let's cut the bullsh*t and you...are giving a pleasant smell kitty~" this made the omega weak since the alpha only spread more pheromones around.

He could also tell that he wasn't the only alpha in the room and they were at least 2 or 3 more of them and every second his pants are getting wetter and wetter, he yearned for an alpha he was panting heavily and gasping for air and Chisaki noticed this he moved closer to him and raised his chin "You know I hate being called by my real name but I guess if you moan it for me I might start loving it~" he said seductively making the ash-blond boy shudder.

Baku was trying very hard not to spout nonsense and its becoming very hard for him every time Chisaki would come close to him, other alphas are also being affected by these and since it was only his bodyguards around they kept on fidgeting "Come on omega why don't you spread your legs for us, I'm not the only one pent up there's more of us~" he chuckled, Katsuki tried forming words but he was just to weak that he almost begged so he just glared at him and stayed silent.

The action made Chisaki lose interest he wasn't the patient type and he was more pissed about his pride since Baku an omega could refuse him "Why are you so reluctant? You know if you're alpha and his pals are coming to get you of course I won't let that happen unless I get what I want, even if I have to use force I could get my hands dirty" he smirked at the omega in heat and whispered "I'll make you submit~" the sound of an alpha's voice, his breath it all made him turned on and he hated the fact that he was turned on from a random alpha. He didn't want anyone but Todoroki, but he couldn't help but moan "A-aaaah~ G-get a-away f*cker~"

They already arrived at the location of Chisaki they started moving and searching for Bakugo as Endeavor went to the said meeting place for the exchange in case anything happens Todoroki was leading them as he could smell his omega's pheromones which led them to a dead end, even the League or the agency Tomura is leading joined them since they have the same goal- to bring down Chisaki Kai "I'm certain the scent is coming from here!" Todoroki exclaimed "Yeah right? How come this is a dead end" Twice argued.

"No, this isn't a dead end...check the walls there's gotta be an opening in them" Aizawa commanded and then they began searching, suddenly they heard footsteps approaching, a figure who seemed to be Chisaki is walking towards them "Chisaki?" they all said in unison suddenly he started throwing his clothings away and is left wearing a skirt and a long sleeves more like a uniform.

"Nope, that's just Toga!" Twice mumbled "What's she doing here then?" Toga smiled at them and explained to all of them "Well, Tomura's orders he told me to infiltrate the Chisaki group and act like Chisaki, I was able to snuck into this place and I found out what they we're doing also I found where the one your looking for-" "Bakugo" Todoroki corrected "Ahh yes! Where Bakugo is being kept" she proudly said "Where is he then?" Todoroki asked, curious and determined "Right here" she pointed at a spot on the wall in the lower right.

"Just give it a smash and it'll break since its only covered with wood" she stated without further a do with all his strength Todoroki kicked the wall as hard as he can which made an opening mostly blurry, they all got ready and pointed their guns out only to find Chisaki standing before them "Where is he?" Todoroki growled, rage steaming from him as he pointed a gun at him too "Ha! Took you long enough to get him and now... his to engulfed with the fun of pleasure" Chisaki snickered.

They all glared at him but Todoroki couldn't keep still he went berserk and rushed to him head on "MOTHERF*CKER!!!!" He ran to him before the pros stopped him landing a punch but Chisaki was faster so he dodge this and counterattack but Todoroki is not someone to be looked down upon he was also strong even now his madder than ever he also dodge Chisaki's blow, the pros started shooting him but he was fast enough to dodge all the bullets.

Other pros started running to him and fighting him head on he tried holding as many as he could and when there are less coming to him he tried fleeing but no way Todoroki's letting that happen, Chisaki's guys came rushing in and kept the pros occupied while Chisaki retreated. Todoroki chased him "Mr. Aizawa I'm going after him!" he said to Aizawa fighting beside him "Go now, we'll cover here" 

He ran fast as he could and finally caught up to him he had a bad feeling he's leaving him astray but a part of him also knew that Baku would be there they arrived at an isolated place it seemed like an abandoned building and to his guess he was right but his eyes widen when he saw what state Baku was into.

- to be continued.....

Mann..I tried finishing this in one day  soo here it is, ENJOYYY!!!😊

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