chapter 2.

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Izuku gave his costume design to nezu he said it will be done on the next day you just have to get it at the suportdepartment. He thanked him and then said, fast worker you have then. Nezu then replied with, yor costume design is pretty simplistic but cool. Izuku then asked, will i be in the same class as nana and Sarohiko. Nezu replied with, yeah you will be with them in 1-a. Izuku then asked, how many students does it  have? Nezu responded with, it has now 19 students one of them had no potential so he was expelled. Izuku nodded and said, okey i will be working on the blueprints for tje timetravel device. Nezu then said, ow also you can use the suportdepartment if you are going to build it i will help some times to fasten te proces. Izuku nodded and said, that would be nice and i have to train to for when we get back to the fututer. Nezu then asked, um why you said that nana,s predecessors already took down afo. Izuku then said, they had a battle one,s before and they both took some heavy damage making them both weaker when the second battle came and he was defeated he also had a sucseser. But the last time there haven,t been any signs of activaty, so they probably  are up to something and i think that they are trying to transplant afo in shigaraki there leader and if afo works the same way as ofa then there is a chance that he will be even more powerfull then the last afo user. Nezu shiverd a bit only thinking about, he then said, but you said that the previous one for all users couldn,t use the previous predecessors quirks? Izuku nodded and said, true but i still have to master them and ofa grows stronger each time it is passed down so i will be stronger to. Nezu nodded and said, so how faster we make the timemachine the more time you have to grow stronger. Izuku responded with, pretty much but we still have to make the plan better. Nezu nodded and said, also you can help out nana with ofa and she will later be able to help you with the quirk float. Izuku nodded and said, that is true, but how long does nana have ofa? Nezu responded she got it a few weeks before the sixth died, she can now only use it at 15% and she only knows how to use it in one bodypart. Izuke then responded, i can help with her control then. Nezu nodded and said, that would be nice.

(Timeskip to monday next day)

Izuku was waiting infront of the 1-a door classroom waiting till he was called.

(Also he has this mask on)

Then he heard the 1-a teacher call him out he opend the door and he saw that there were 4 girls in the classroom and the rest were boys

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Then he heard the 1-a teacher call him out he opend the door and he saw that there were 4 girls in the classroom and the rest were boys. He walked to the front of the classroom the teacher then said, please introduve yourself also my name is Sasuke aizawa ( please kill me, also he will only he have the sharegan to copy movements and he has amuteresa there will be no justo or other thing naruto releated) but you will call me sensei or aizawa-sensei. Izuku then said with a one million watt smile, my name is mikumo akatani i,m 16 years my quirk is a strenght enhancer i am limmetid to a sertain precantage now and i have a second quirk and its called whip. Then some one asked, whats yor favourite hero. Nana and Sarohiko both looked at izuku like don,t fuck up. Izuku replied with, i don,t realy have a favourite i like it more to analyse there fighting style and how they use there quirk i also look at things like what are weakpoints they have to work on or what there strong side is and how they in generale be stronger or how i can combine mine quirk with others.
Sasuke then said, okey Akatani you can sit behind shimura. Nana then began to excitedly to swing her arms around and then she said, hey mikumo how is life treating you. Izuku replied with, pretty good except for that i had to design my suit in one day but for the rest. Everybody just looked at him like he said something stupid except Nana and Sarohiko. Sarohiko then said, i know that you want to be a underground hero but still it has to look some what cool. Sasuke then asked, Akatani why do you want to be a underground hero? Izuku replied with, um pretty simple i don,t get the press after me and fans later so i will have more time to deticated to the work i am doing and i don,t realy care about the money. Sasuke then nodded and said, okey know change into your hero suit and be there in 10 minutes. Izuku then raised his hand and said, i have to pick up my suit first at the suportdepartment sensei. Sasuke nodded and said, okey just be there as fast as you can. Izuku ran out of the class and though, so is that his grandpa or aizawa,s father i am intrested in what his quirk his. When he arrived at the suportdepartment he heard a explosion and he thought every timeline has his crazy inventor. Izuku walked inside the suportdepartment teacher saw him and said, are you Akatani? Izuku nodded his head and said, yeah that,s me i,m here for my suit. The teacher handed his suit and said, here you go. Izuku thanked him and ran to the changing room to see Sarohiko leave, izuku said, Torino can you say to sensei that i just began with changing? Sarohiko replied with, sure no problem midoriya and call me Sarohiko. Izuku nodded and said, call me izuku if there is no one else in the area that doesn,t know. Sarohiko nodded and then said, but be as quick as you can because aizawa doesn,t like if he has to wait. Izuku replied with, will do. He then walked in the changing room. Sarohiko then ran out side when he was outside he walked up to Sasuke and said, Aizawa-sensei, mikumo just came back from the suportdepartment. Sasuke nodded and thought to himself he is probably late because of an explosion. They waited for 7 more minutes and then izuku walked out in his suit.

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