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"I never get Imposter." Seán whined.

(Y/n) and Corpse went separate ways as they both were crew mates and decided it would be faster if they did their tasks separately and fast. The screen flashed red as lights decreased. "Oh boy." She muttered as she abandoned her task and ran to lights, switching the light on. "Perfect." (Y/n) grinned, noticing the door was closed. "Holy fuck someone is in here!" (Y/n) yelped.

"Oh?" (Y/n) said, as there was a body reported which was Felix's. "I was with Charlie the whole time." Seán said. "I was in Nav when Charlie left me." He added. "So Sykkuno, where was the body?" (Y/n) asked. "In admin but no one was nearby." Sykkuno said. "So who saw Felix w-" "I saw Toast with Felix last time." Rae said. "It's always Toast!" (Y/n) realized. "No I left him to get to lights." Toast said. "But, I fixed lights when I was locked in." (Y/n) said. "You were locked in?" Corpse asked. "What if Toast killed Felix and then vented to Electrical?" Charlie asked. "I doubt it because Toast walked past me and Charlie." Seán said. "So I guess we'll leave them be." (Y/n) sighed.

(Y/n) ran towards Admin and noticed Corpse. "Oh, I guess if he's here we're safe." She said before she saw the vent open to reveal James. "Oh god!" (Y/n) yelled and got killed by James. She dramatically gasped. Corpse ran to her body and reported it quickly.

"James." Corpse scoffed and began to laugh. "What? Holy shit Toast and (y/n) are dead." Rae gasped. "James, got anything to say?" Corpse asked. "Oh Im starting piece this together." Charlie said. "I think James got caught." Sykkuno chuckled. "Definitely. Please just eject me! I can't be imposter." James began to laugh as he was embarrassed for being caught. "I wish I was imposter." Corpse sighed. "How do you know it was me though?" James asked. "You killed (y/n) in front of me." He said coldly.

Everyone screamed. "If James dies in the next game, I think we'll know Corpse killed him." Rae said as James was ejected out.

"What a wonderful man." (Y/n) said, following around to do her tasks. "Wait I lost Corpse again." She groaned.

Then his body was reported. "I bet someone someone wanted vengeance for James!" (Y/n) typed in the chat. "Sykkuno, where were you at?" Poki asked. "Was it Sykkuno?" (Y/n) whispered to herself. "I was at reactor." Sykkuno said. "Funny how I saw you and Corpse head to electrical together. How'd ya get to reactor without passing me?" Charlie questioned. "Do we skip? I mean, Sykkuno passed me." Rae defended him. "Fuck it, let's skip." Rae said.

(Y/n) and grinned as Corpse and her were ghost buddies. "I love friendships." (Y/n) chuckled.
She began to roam around with Corpse even when she had several tasks to do. "This is amazing when you die in front of your best friend and then they die and you become dead buddies." (Y/n) floated through the walls. "Are you really friends of y'all don't even up in hell together?" She softly chuckled.

Then Seán reported Rae's body. "What the hell? I was at lower engine with Poki and then bam, Rae is dead." Shawn said. "Sykkuno, where were you?" Charlie asked. "Where were you?" Sykkuno questioned back. "With Seán." Which Shawn verifies. "Is it Poki or Sykkuno?" (Y/n) hummed. "Poki, didn't you see the report button near us?" Shawn asked. "No I was in electrical." She said. "But we were together which means you would have passed me." Shawn began to piece things together.

"I think Poki did it." Seán said and voted. "If Jack says it's Poki, I'm with Jack!" Sykkuno says and voted. Soon Poki was ejected. "You'd only let him get away because his voice sounds cute!" Poki said as it was a victory for Seán and the others. "And we'd do it again!" (Y/n) said as she openly admitted Sykkuno's voice was cute. "I'm so sorry, Poki!" James laughed.

"Let's hope I'm imposter." Corpse said. "You're amazing." (Y/n) scoffed.

(Y/n) ran around to find the lava pit in Polus when Ludwig's body was reported. "Well we know it's not Seán because he's a simp for him." (Y/n) said which made them chuckle. "I was looking for him too!" Seán yelled. "He was in front of electrical." Corpse said as he reported the body. "Damn it. Why is it always someone dead in electrical?" (Y/n) mumbled. "I think it's Dave because he watched me and Corpse scan but he didn't get scanned ." Rae said. "I think it's Charlie or Dave." Corpse said. "I think Dave." (Y/n) said and voted but everyone else slipped besides Toast and Corpse.

(Y/n) went off to lights with Seán, Poki and Charlie. "Wow we're all here." She said when Rae presses the emergency meeting. "Corpse if you leave me one more time, I'm going to let you die!" Rae said. "Sorry I didn't know we were actually buddying up." Corpse said. "(Y/n), where are you?" Corpse asked. "I was doing lights with everyone else. Why?" She asked. "Let's partner up." Corpse said as they all skipped. "What?! We're partners." Rae said. "What's wrong with (y/n)?" Corpse asked. "I think Rae is jealous." (Y/n) chuckled as she went to the water wheel.

Then the meeting was called again. "God Damn it Dave." Sykkuno said as (y/n) could see Toast was dead. "Well we know Sykkuno didn't do it cuz he's a simp." (Y/n) said. "We're simps here." Corpse said. "Dave did it cuz apparently Sykkuno saw him." (Y/n) said. "That quickly?" Shawn asked. "Kick him out!" (Y/n) laughed as they watched Dave get ejected.

"Why's ya gotta tell?" Corpse laughed. "I like finding the imposters." (Y/n) grinned as the game continued.

(Y/n) checked the camera and spotted Poki and area teamed together. "Where Charlie at?" She seems curious until Corpse called the body with Sykkuno. "Who the fuck killed that quick!" (Y/n) yelled. "We found Seán'a body near electrical." Corpse said. "I haven't seen Rae." Sykkuno said. "I was checking cams and I saw Rae with Poki. I was with Shawn at cams. He was looking for Charlie and I was too. When he left I saw Charlie run above me out of Security and to Electrical." (Y/n) said. "Charlie, were you at Electical?" Corpse asked. "Yeah." He replied. "Dude, that's where the body was. That's sus." Sykkuno chuckled. "Was it Charlie?" (Y/n) asked. "Me and Seán wanted to team with you so we wouldn't be alone and we were always lost but god damn it." (Y/n) said. "I doubt it's (y/n) because she's a simp for Seán too." Poki chuckled as they ejected Charlie.

The next round Rae insisted to team with Corpse who declined again. "(Y/n), wait. I'm going with you." He said as he ran after the girl. "Hooray!" She said, with Rae and Poki following him.

She turned the corner to electrical as the lights were going off. "Well I see Corpse behind me so this isn't too bad." She shrugged as she walked slowly to not lose them out of her sight. "We're getting at the door." She said until at the corner of her screen and noticed a cyan astronaut coming after her. "Oh?!" She questioned as she was barley entering electrical with Corpse, Poki and Rae.

She gasped as Toast killed her. "Oh you!" (Y/n) then got even more shocked for Rae to report her body. "Toast seriously?! You killed her in front of the group!" Rae laughed. "I saw Seán vent right in front of us too." Poki chuckled. "How the fuck did you manage to get caught up at the same place?!" Corpse couldn't believe the two imposters appearing in front of them. "I thought only Corpse was with (y/n) so me and Seán wanted to double kill." Toast nervously stuttered out. "Okay first Toast for killing (y/n) and then Seán." Corpse instructed. "I barely even did a task!" (Y/n) yelled into her mic. "Day off!" Sykkuno said as they all voted off Toast.

Everyone stood by the emergency button or as Seán said it, The crisis button. Soon Charlie pressed it and without a word, they all voted out Shawn. "I have a feeling the game knew he sucked at imposter so the game just didn't choose him." Felix said. "Pretty much." Corpse said as there was a victory for them.

"Still, (y/n) died and I didn't."

Swindler Teammate (Corpse Husband x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now