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She had forgotten about YouTube channel she made after a while since she uploaded her first video of her gameplay with Corpse Husband, Jacksepticeye and PewDiePie and Sykkuno. She refused to tell them as she wanted to do it on her own. She had forgotten about the video and instead played more with the gang whenever they could. (Y/n) only cared she made friends.

If she had to be honest, sometimes she forgets their famous and just cared about how kind they all are. She was so happy to be texting them and befriending them whenever possible. She thanked Lily for helping her most of all.

(Y/n) groaned, laying in bed, wanting to sleep for hours. Her head seemed to stuffed with wall plaster as it was difficult to breathe and her nose and cheeks were in flames and her eyes burned at the light. Her only concern, "Damn I'm craving for (f/f)." She yawned, ready fo fall back asleep when her phone rang. Not wanting to answer but did anyways, believing it was her boss about her to work again, she was going to use the sick call to scare him a bit. She answered and said in a nasally voice that was raspy and deep compared to her regular voice.

(Y/n) answered the call and lifted her head up a bit and shut her eyes, placing the bright screen under ever head to speak.
She yawned in the call. "Whaddup?" (Y/n) grumbled, hugging the thick blanket she found in her closet she had.

"Who's this?" Corpse's voice said on the other side.

Her eyes immediately opened so quickly her body almost couldn't function as one eye opened before the other. "Oh hey Corpse!" She said, clearing her throat before taking a sip of water from her bottle next to her bed. "(Y/n)? The hell happened to your voice?" He asked. She cleared her throat as she almost choked on the water going down her throat, burning her.
'Way to go, dumbass.'
"Water." Was all she could process. "Walter?" He asked.

"No I meant water- hello- I'm sorry Corpse I woke up from a nap and my voice sounds like this a bit." She said, laying in bed still on the phone with the deep voiced man. "Are you sick? I called you multiple times in the phone and you never sounded like this." He said.
She raised an eyebrow. 'He rememberers my voice? Damn not even I cared about myself that much.'

"Um, yeah a bit. I got a cold. Only because the seasons are changing. It was hot before and recently it's been cold so it's happens a lot." She reassured him. "Well I wanted to check if you wanted to play Among Us." He said. "I don't feel well. I'm sorry." She frowned. "It's alright. Um, I was going to record this for a video but Ima go live on Twitch. If you could watch, that would be great." He said. She grinned. "Sure, why not."

(Y/n) grabbed her laptop and logged in to her Twitch and found both Seán and Sykkuno live and so was Corpse. She lowered the brightness of her computer, laying in her bed, inserting the earbuds in and watched.

"This is what I need to sleep to." (Y/n) smiled, closing her eyes, falling asleep to his voice and small laughs he gave off.

Although she was told to watch, the girl couldn't stay awake any longer.

(Y/n) woke up to her phone blowing up with texts.

She looked at her phone and raised an eyebrow to see Corpse and Lily texting her.

Did you get your temperature checked? Lily asked. 'Wait are they scared I have COVID?' She then got concerned. 'I probably don't have it.'she reassured herself. I just have a stuffy nose. I'm not coughing. It's just seasonal allergies. Then she waited for Lily to reply back with Oh good. Corpse said you couldn't join because you were feeling under the wealth and kept sleeping through his calls during the game to check up on you. (Y/n) grinned. "That beautiful man." She scoffed.

Corpse's texts were the same with the occasional memes being sent in. You chaotic man, you scared everyone she chuckled, her eyes growing heavy again.

She got the strength to reach over for her water bottle on the ground next to her bed and took a sip before she went on her computer to get on a Among Us. If anyone's playing at anytime let me know because I'm ready. She said as she laid back in bed. "Pathetic mortal body." She yawned. There was another text that went, Get on Among Us. I'll give you the code rn. He said and she did as instructed.

She grabbed her earbuds and began to speak through their discord. "Understand I'm the female version of Corpse." She said I to her mic when Sykkuno seemed confused. "What happened?" He asked. "I'm sick." She responded lightly clearing her throat. "I heard lemon and honey in tea helps." Lily said, always caring for her and the others. "I am a broke college student hiding inside cuz COVID. I can't afford lemons or honey. Their expensive for no reason." She chuckled. "Wait you've been playing in a dorm?" Lily seemed confused as they all had bedrooms or even specific rooms to record. "Yes, thankfully I don't dorm with anyone here because if COVID." She sniffled a bit. "Out of everyone here, I think (y/n) is the youngest." Felix said. "I am? I'm 19." The girl said, sipping her water. "God I feel old." Corpse scoffed.

"I have now deducted something — I am the baby of the group." She wheezed, realizing how young she is compared to the early 20 year olds.

"I'm gonna change to white. I look prettier when wearing the flower." She said, running around the lobby.

"She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes." She sang. "When she comes." Sykkuno followed along. "She'll be riding 6 white horses." Seán continued along with them. "She'll be riding 6 white horses." They all ran in a circle together. "She'll be riding 6 white horses when she comes." Lily spun with them. "What kind of cult is this?" Rae asked. "I have no clue what just happened." Coprse chuckled.

"Holy shit they have cat ears in this bitch!" Felix said, running around with yellow avatar wearing black cat ears. They all selected the cat ears and ran around. "I have a pumpkin." (Y/n) grinned, happy about her discovery. "Okay we're starting." Seán said. "No wait let me change! I don't want the pumpkin on. I want the flower." She yelled as the game started. "I clicked on something. I don't remember what it was." She said.

"Damnit!" She groaned as she accidentally chose a towel on her avatar's head. "At least when I'm dead no one will see the towel on me." She said. "But other ghosts will." Corpse said as they all went separate directions. "This is humiliating." She sighed, off to do her tasks.

At the end of the day, (y/n) slid on her mask to get out of her dorm when she heard a few of the 'weird kids' — mainly the students who watch anime but are usually made of that from the girls who do tiktok dances in the school corridors. "I have a feeling Corpse Husband has a girlfriend." One girl said, showing a video to a girl next to her. "Who?" They asked. "Some youtuber that got fame from them. There are small compilations of them." She said. (Y/n) turned the corner and pretended to be on her phone, waiting for them to possibly say her YouTube name. "Her name is (y/n) because they it a lot. She's friends with PewDiePie too." They added.

(Y/n) wasn't sure if this was okay of not since they'd probably go to her since they're all fans of the horror narrator. She checked her bios everywhere and deleted any photos she of her face.
"They'll probably think I somehow seemed attention." She frowned, heading to the convenience store out her school.

As she was in line to pay, she went through YouTube to see what videos she'd watch while doing her homework which honestly, wasn't that bad since she listened to narration videos while working evacuar she can imagine the scenario and not have to look at the video.
Her eyes widened when under a suggestion of one of Corpse's video was a compilation of videos titled 'CORPSE and (y/n) flirting 9 minutes straight' or 'CORPSE fight Toast for Sykkuno (ft. (Y/n)).'

She put her phone away. 'Ima act like I didn't see that.' She paid for her snacks as she went to her dorm room.

'I mean, no one can actually think it's me right? Me, playing games? I don't even seem like the girl to have popular friends or friends at all. All I do is stay in my room for hours and head to work and barely say anything to anyone besides through calls, texts or emails.' She pondered. 'I think I'm safe.' She began to unlock her dorm room.

"Don't we have someone called (y/n) here?"
"I think I've heard her voice before."

(Y/n) quickly rushed to her dorm and locked it behind her.

'I didn't even ask Corpse of anyone for help. What the hell is going on?'

Swindler Teammate (Corpse Husband x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now