Hatchetfield (Part One)

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(This is a story idea I came up with... I'm not including A/N's because they're pointless in this state)

The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals had been a big hit on Team Starkid. They would be scrolling through different forms of social media and finding fans cosplaying, drawing fan art, and occasionally putting up fan fiction that some of the cast decided to not talk about again.

"Man, could you imagine if something like that really did happen?" Joey asked one night over Chinese takeout.

Mariah laughed at him and shook her head. "Something really fucked up would have to happen if that was the case. Plus, we would kind of know what to do, right? I mean, Jeff did write it all out."

The cast laughed at her words and started to discuss their next show, pushing off Joey's idea on whether the matter of a meteor full of musical energy would hit the Earth.

"Joey, wouldn't you think we would be affected first? I mean, we're all theater kids." Robert had taken some time to think about what his friend was saying. Sure, it was a weird thing to ask and put thought into, but he had chosen to discuss the matter further.

Joey shrugged. "Maybe, but man I hope not." He sighed and poked at his fried rice. "I don't know about you, but I don't want to be singing 24/7 with blue shit in my mouth."


(Y/n) (L/n) tapped her foot impatiently against the pavement. She knew that he was home, and she knew that he had heard about the meteor, something he told her that he predicted twenty years ago.

"Dammit, Professor, open the gate!" She slammed her fist against the metal, ignoring the excruciating pain that followed.

"(L/n)?" A voice called from the other side. "Alexa! Open the gates!"

The metal gates groaned at the command as they separated, allowing a fuming (h/c) haired woman inside.

"I've been waiting for fifteen minutes outside!" Her hands fell to her hips as she glared at the older man. "I swear that you intend to get me to become one of them!"

"It's not, I swear, (L/n)." He took the woman's hand and led her away from the gate as it closed back. "There's something else happening in Hatchetfield... something that has nothing at all to do with the meteor."

"Nothing to do with the meteor?" (Y/n) echoed, confusion lacing her tone. "What the hell does that mean? Hidgens, what's going on?"

The professor let go of his student's hand and gave her a grim look. "There's been some strange activity coming from the abandoned theater near downtown. And I can promise you it's not coming from the meteor... it's something different..."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Like what? Was there some sort of rip inside space that the government hasn't heard about?"

Professor Hidgens nodded. "That's exactly it. I can't leave here, I need to keep an eye on the news. Do you think you could go there and check it out? I know your dislike for musicals will allow you to resist their charms."

(Y/n) sighed. "You can count on me, Professor."

Robert Manion x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now