The Bet

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(F/r) - Favorite Restaurant

"Get your cup of roasted coffee, your morning cup of joe-y. We'll make a jamming cup of java, mocha latte with the froth for you, Jack!" (Y/n) brought her hands down and spun on her heel with a clap, nearly tripping in the process. "Fucks sake."

It was an early Saturday morning. No one was at the theater to rehearse yet, so (Y/n) had decided to work on her footing, something that had grown to be a problem. But no matter how many times she tried, nothing changed.

With a tired sigh, the actress moved closer to backstage and pressed the pause switch on the stereo. She had been at it for around forty minutes. The first time practicing had gone over well, while the second, third, fourth, and so on seemed to fail.

"Damn, you're here really early," an Australian voice called from backstage. (Y/n) huffed and picked up a towel from the floor, wiping her forehead. "I brought you some coffee." (Y/n) hesitated in taking the cup. "I promise you it's not poisoned with blue shit." He added with a wink.

The sweet aroma of coffee drew (Y/n) away from the thoughts of her failure. "Thanks, Robert." She took the cup from his hand and took a long sip, ignoring the burning that traveled down her throat in the process. "What're you doing here early?"

At the sweet hour of six in the morning, (Y/n) (L/n) was always at the theater, practicing her lines and working on the choreography that her character had. Every other member of the cast didn't arrive until at least eight.

Robert pressed his lips into a thin line. "We share an apartment. You're not exactly quiet in the morning (Y/n)." An attractive chuckle escaped his lips when (Y/n)'s face flushed. "No need to be embarrassed. This was bound to happen sooner or later." His eyes trailed over to the iPod that was connected to a stereo. "How long have you been working on Cup Of Roasted Coffee?"

"Forty minutes," she mumbled. "I don't know what's wrong with my footwork, but it's shit right now." It was embarrassing. The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals was going back on stage for another show in two weeks, and (Y/n) wasn't entirely ready.

Mariah had called a week ago, telling everyone that she wouldn't be able to play as any of her characters. She was invited to a friend's wedding as the maid of honor, and there was no way that she could miss it.

"I have this friend (Y/n) (L/n). She's an amazing dancer and singer- she can cover for me if that's alright with you guys."

Nick, Matt, and Jeff had talked to (Y/n) separately, asking if she was up for the task of taking Mariah's place in this show. Not knowing what she was getting into and the time frame, (Y/n) agreed, for the sake of her friend.

Robert licked his lips and nodded. "I've done this show a few times... maybe I could dance as Nora and help you out a bit?" His cheeks were dusted pink. The fact that he had memorized everyone's choreography in Cup Of Roasted Coffee was a bit embarrassing.

It became less embarrassing when (Y/n) laughed. It was music to Robert's ears, and it put his unwanted emotions to the side. "You... you're going to help me?" Robert nodded with a smile, taking her coffee and setting it on the ground next to his. "O-Okay..." it was now her turn for a pink face.

After the song's introduction, (Y/n) and Robert moved to the downstage-center and formed a heart on their left waists, making sure they stuck out.

"Get your cup of roasted coffee, your morning cup of joe-y," Robert and (Y/n) sang while gesturing to the empty seats. "We'll make a jamming cup of java mocha latte with the froth for you, Jack!" They spun on their heels and clapped together. Robert followed (Y/n)'s lead as they turned to face the empty seats again while moving towards downstage-left.

"Frappuccino with the freshly roasted mug beans. It's a caramel drizzle mud in a cup-" Robert turned first to fully face the seats and opened his palms. "With a drip, drip drip." (Y/n) made it look like she was pouring something into his hands with a wide smile. "Drip, and we'll bring it right up!"

(Y/n) moved backward to stage-left while Robert stayed in front, swaying her hips side to side while Robert sang. "Hey, Mr. Business, how do you do?" He moved his hands out, then rested his right arm on his chin with a smile. "Can we get a triple for you?"

"Decaf?!" Robert brought his hands to each side of his face, pretending to look shocked while he moved to center-stage and (Y/n) moved to downstage-center. "Wha-at?" They sang together, trying not to smile at one another. "Decaf?!" Robert started to follow (Y/n) to downstage-center. "Wha-at?"

"Do-doo do-doo-doo, do-doo-doo do-doo-doo-" Robert glanced at (Y/n) from the side as they snapped in circles with their right arms.

She was smiling, a genuine smile... it was beautiful. "And we'll bring it right up! Oy, oy, oy!" Unfortunately, while stealing a glance, Robert lost his footing, causing them both to end up on the floor.

The music seemed to fade in the background while Robert stared down at (Y/n). Her mouth was parted in shock while her chest rose and fell at an unsteady pace. It was both to catch her breath and to match the beating of her heart. Robert's hands were placed on either side of (Y/n)'s head, preventing her from moving an inch.

"Robert..." (Y/n) started, but her words were muffled when Robert forced his lips onto hers. A surprised noise erupted from (Y/n)'s throat when he pushed their lips together again, but (Y/n) quickly responded by doing the same.

Robert moved his arm to cup (Y/n)'s cheek, but it quickly met the floor when (Y/n) grabbed it, so she was rested atop of him. Her legs were on either side of his waist while her hands moved to cup his cheeks instead.

A series of whistles erupted around the two, causing their lips to separate, much to both their dismay. They never wanted it to end.

"And that'll be ten bucks, Lauren," Jon held out a hand to his friend with a smug grin on his face. Lauren scowled and handed him ten bucks.

(Y/n) helped Robert up from the floor, brushing off her leggings afterward. "You guys betted on us?" Her voice hinted at both annoyance and a small bit of anger. "You're all terrible."

Jon held up his hands in defense. "Mariah wanted to know after Robert volunteered to give you his extra room in his apartment. This money is going to her after that wedding." He fanned the Hamilton before putting it in his backpack. "It's not my money."

The rest of the cast walked laughed before making their way to dressing rooms. Everyone had placed their bet on the two, but now seeing the reaction, they decided to exchange money away from the stage.

"Sheesh, (Y/n), you tied up my heart," Robert joked, finding his words, so they were on point with the song. The actress gave him a look, silently telling him to never do that again. "Right." He took both of (Y/n)'s hands and smiled. "How about a date after this? We can go to (F/r), then maybe sit down and watch a movie back at the apartment?"

(Y/n)'s upper lip twitched at the thought. "Alright." She grabbed his hands and pulled his body back to hers, pressing a short kiss on his lips. "But- I'm buying."

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