There's No Place Like Home

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   Two days later the doctors let me go. I had to answer a lot of questions for the cops. I even had to give a testimony on recording. They weren't going to make me go to the court case.

   I was glad to finally be going home. I slid my shoes on and sighed. "Ma..?"

   She looked over carefully. "Yes?"

   "Can… can we see Geno?" I asked quietly.

   She looked slightly taken aback. She looked at the wall. Geno was on the other side.

   "You want to..?" She asked quietly.

   I nodded a little bit. "Please..?"

   She sighed and rsn a hand through her hair. "Okay. Not for long though. He's still too weak to wake up."

   "Okay." I nodded and pulled my hood up. "I can do that."

   She held her hand out to take mine. Her grip was tight. Like a lifeline. She was afraid to lose me again.

   I held on just as tight.

   Geno's room was colder than mine. I had to pull my jacket closer. I winced when Ma nudged me forward.

   Geno looked bad. Really bad. He was still and quiet and he looked oh so small.

   I carefully put my hand on his. "Please be okay… Please don't die..." I whisperered. I pat his hand gently and then turned to walk back to Ma.

   "Oh Fresh..." She pet my head gently.

   I felt tears well in my eyes again. "I don't want him to die… I just got back…" I whispered.

   Ma sighed and lifted me up. I must not weigh a lot. I figured I had lost weight but still.

   "Come on..." She whispered, carrying me off. "It's gonna be okay.."

   I sniffled and paused as a thought struck me. "Ma… d-did you ever tell Error?" I felt her stiffen at the question.

   "No… it's best to tell him in person and i've had to stay up here for you and Geno. Asy knows though." She sighed and pushed open the door to the outside.

   I buried my face in her neck. "Loud.."

   "It's okay Fresh. I've got you." She whispered trying to hurry to the car.

   The car was nicer. It was quiet. No one but me and Ma. She even let me sit up front.

   The house looked different. Maybe it was just me? I couldn't tell.

   Ma yawned softly and rubbed her eye. She parked the car. "Come in Fresh."

   I nodded lightly and got out of the car. I could hear yelling inside.

   Ma heard it too. She groaned and went to hurry unlocking the door.

   "No way!!! You can't just replace Fresh! That's not fair! I might not have liked him but you can't replace him! Geno will be upset!!!" Error was the one yelling. He was facing away from the door.

   "CQ." Asy's voice sounded relieved.
   I ducked behind Ma. Asy looked more intimidating than I remember.

   "Error. . . What do you mean "replace  Fresh?" " Ma asked quietly.

   "I saw him in Fresh's room! He was getting it ready for someone! It's not fair mom! You can't just forget him!" Error had whirled around on Ma now.

   "Error we aren't forgetting Fresh!" Ma huffed.

   I trembled lightly and pressed my hands to the sides of my head. Tears pricked my sockets. "Stop yelling..." I whispered.

   Error jerked. "What the hell?" His voice was softer now.

   Ma turned. "Honey. Fresh look at me.." She whispered.

   I looked up and hiccuped. "Too loud!"

   "Oh baby… I'm sorry.." She whispered. "I didn't know this would happen."

   "Fresh?" Error asked softly. His voice was careful and calculated.

   "We were going to tell you when he got inside…" Asy sighed.

   Error was silent. I heard footsteps. He must have left.

   "Come on… let's get you inside." Ma whispered, pressing a kiss to my head.

   I nodded and went to go inside with her. Error was nowhere to be seen.

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