Com's Birthday

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   For about two weeks my return was a strictly hush hush. And then Ink's Mom's birthday rolled around. Ma, Error, and Asy planned to go last week. And then I showed up.

   "I can tell her something came up," Ma sighed softly.

   "But mom! I promised Ink we'd be there!!!" Error whined. He was looking forward to this. He needed the distraction from Geno.

   "Error your brother can't–" Ma began.

   "It's okay. Deccy is supposed to be there right..?" I spoke up finally.

   Ma blinked. "Fresh you don't have to."

   "Ma it's fine… Really. It's just Ink and aunt Com and Deccy." I shrugged and put my hands in my pockets. It should be okay. Right?

   Ma looked nervous. "What do you think Asy?"

   Asy blinked. He had been quiet up until now. "We have to tell them eventually."

   Ma sighed softly and looked down. "Okay… Get your shoes on."

   Error sighed and gave a slightly grateful look. That's the best reaction I've got from him so far. Good. He hurried to put his shoes on.

   "Ma can I borrow your phone?" I asked after we got in the car.

   "Texting that friend of yours again?" Ma gave a soft smile and handed it over.

   I nodded lightly and tapped away on the phone. 'So my family has to go to a birthday party.'

   There was a moment. 'That sucks
:( Are you okay?'

   Club didn't know the full extent of my story yet. He seemed to get the gist though. He was really nice.

   'Yeah… I hope they don't freak out.'

   'Did they not know you were home?'

   I almost dropped the phone as we turned. Error shot me a look. 'No. I gotta go. We're almost there.'

   Another short moment. 'Okay. Be safe. Don't strain yourself.'

   I gave a soft smile and handed the phone to Ma. "I'm done."

   Asy went to park the car.

   "Thats nice." Ma smiled. "Maybe soon your friend can come over."

   I nodded. "That sounds nice…"

   Ma nodded and went to get out of the car. Error and Asy followed. I took a deep breath and got out as well.

   I clutched onto Ma's shirt as he walked up to the door. She pat my head gently. "It's okay kiddo."

   Asy knocked carefully. The door was thrown open by a babbling Ink. He grabbed Error's arm and went to drag him off.

   Ma gave an amused laugh and went to head inside after Asy. Com seemed happy to see them. "Glad you could make it."

   "Of course. Happy Birthday Com." Asy chuckled.

   "Is Decans here too?" Ma asked, raising a brow.

   "Yes. He's in the living room. It's such a shame Geno is sick…" she sighed. "Sugar and Sour were busy too. So I'm really glad you could bring Error." Com turned to head to the living room.

   Ma and Asy followed behind. I stuck behind Ma.

   "Decans. Im sorry there aren't any other kids.You can go play with Ink and Error if you want." Com said seeing that he was just sitting there.

   "No that's okay..." Decans sighed clutching the jacket he was wearing close. It was the one I gave him on...that day.

   "Decans..." Ma started clearly not sure how to say this.

   Decans had already looked away. He noticed my sleeve. Bright pink from behind Ma's black leggings. He looked confused.

   I poked my head out. He had already seen me. No point in hiding. "Hi Deccy..."

   Decans took a moment to process. "Fresh?"


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