Cafeteria Arena

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"Sam we should leave." Jordan says helping me off the floor.

"I think she's in shock Jordan." Calvin says still gagging.

"No kidding, just look at that." Jordan says gesturing towards Laura's remains.

"I rather not." Calvin say holding his breath.

"Let's just get her out of here." Jordan says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Good idea." Calvin says placing his hand on my back.

I felt so numb that I didn't realize that I'm walking until we were already out of the bathroom. I couldn't get that image out of my mind, and knowing that they are getting smarter is not helping. They know eventually one of us is going to do something without thinking, and it will lead us to being by ourselves. It will give them the advantage to attack as they did to Laura. They aren't stupid like we thought. They aren't just afraid of the light, they are smarter than us and they will kill us all. My heart won't stop pounding and my body won't stop trembling, but what's the point in being afraid? They will kill us if we're afraid or not, or we can survive. If we are going to survive this though, we need a plan and we have to start sticking together. We can't keep splitting apart and we can't keep arguing. We need to start trusting each other or those shadow monsters will kill every last one of us.

"Sit here Sam." Jordan says interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh?" I say not realizing that we are already back in the cafeteria.

"Sit down and rest." Jordan says again.

"No I'm fine." I say trying to refuse to sit.

"Sam you're not fine, you're still trembling." Jordan tells me seriously.

"It's fine to be in shock Sam. It shocked us all, it was horrible and I blame myself. I shouldn't have let her go by herself." Calvin tells me with guilt.

"No. I shouldn't have yelled at you. How were you supposed to know that it's fine to go with her to the girl's bathroom? We never officially discuss that." I tell him sitting down feeling tired all of a sudden.

"We will get through this, the three of us." Jordan says sitting down next to me.

"We are still a team. We will survive this." Calvin says sitting on my other side.

"We won't give up. We will survive until the sun comes up." I say to both of them.

They nod as we started to discuss what we should do next. We first discussed that next time anyone needs to go to the bathroom, we all will go so no one is left behind and no one is left alone. Then we started to discuss sleeping arrangements since everyone is getting tired. I suggested that we shouldn't sleep since it would be too dangerous, but Calvin said that it would be fine as long someone stays awake to stay watch. Jordan agrees with Calvin and I had to go along with them since it was two against one. I just hope they know what they are doing. I thought a bit afraid to sleep. What if I don't ever wake up once I fell asleep? I'll never see the sun or Emma if she's even still alive right now. How many people are still alive and how many have died since this has started?

"So who wants to take first watch?" Jordan asks.

"I'll take it." I say not wanting to sleep.

"No. You should sleep, you look exhausted, and after what you saw you should sleep." Calvin says seriously.

"I'm fine. I'm not tired." I tell him.

"Yes you are, we all are tired. Just sleep for at least an hour Sam." Jordan tries to convince me.

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