Chapter 1 - the arrival

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Gathering your purse and your suitcase, you step off the jet into the brisk November air. It's cool, but not cold - just the way you like it. You had finally arrived in Paris after many hours on a commercial jet (no way is the FBI paying for this!) and you were ecstatic to finally be in Europe after so many years of dreaming about it. You look down from the jet steps and can see twinkling lights in the distance as you feel a tap on your shoulder. 

"Y/n, please keep walking. I'm so tired I need to get to the hotel so I can sleep." Spencer spoke lightly. 

"Oh, yeah. Sorry!" you replied quickly and continued descending. 

Spencer has quickly grown to be one of your closest friends on the team since you joined two years ago. You always had a soft spot for those gorgeous brown eyes and the smile that could stop your heart. Spencer was the type to spend all night telling you about the origins of the star wars movies and you would let him. Sometimes the team brushed him off and ignored him, and that hurt your heart. Spencer quickly realized that you were the only one always willing to hear him out and that began your bond.

"Woohoo! I can't believe we made it!" Penelope yelled as she descended the jet's staircase surrounded by strangers who all flinched at her loud cadence. I even heard a middle-aged woman sigh "Americans.." which made me giggle with a hint of embarrassment. 

Penelope had grown to be a really good friend as well, a confidant for most things though she couldn't keep a secret for shit. You enjoyed coming to her with things that weren't life or death that you'd prefer the team not know but wouldn't be mortified if they did. Those instances were specifically saved for Emily Prentiss, your closest female friend on the team. Hell, you considered her more of a sister at this point. She was the one who convinced the rest of the team to come with you to Paris, calling it a "family vacation". That was a month ago, and two weeks later you were all booked on a flight and making plans! Well, everyone minus JJ and Hotch. Unfortunately spontaneous Europe trips and kids don't mix well. It was probably better Hotch didn't come, you didn't want him to see his team get too wild. You were, however, heartbroken JJ couldn't come but you understood that family comes first. 

"Who wants to go out for drinks?!" Derek shouted from behind Penelope with his hands high in the air, signaling it was not a rhetoric question. 

"Drinks?! Derek we haven't even checked into the hotel, what will we do with our bags??" you yelled back, realizing that you were now making a bit of a scene. 

"Who cares! I'm ready to turn up!" he said, words beginning to be muffled by Emily's hands, doing her best to quiet him down from the spot behind him. 

Emily, Penelope and Derek all sat together on the plane while you and Spencer sat together a handful of rows in front of them. Spencer spent the entire time reading or playing himself in chess. You offered to play him so he wouldn't have to play himself, but he declined saying that it would only slow him down. Half offended by his comment you scoffed and attempted to take a nap. What you could only assume was a few hours later you felt a light shake of your shoulder and looked up to see the stewardess notifying you that your plane would be landing shortly. You politely thanked her and began to sit up. It was then that you realized that you had nodded off with your head on Spencer's shoulder, cuddled up to him like a puppy looking for warmth. You apologized but Spencer just shook it off, his cheeks the smallest tinge of pink. You wanted to press it further, but you decided to leave it alone. 

Once everyone was off the jet and standing at baggage claim you decided to take the reins and make some plans. 

"Okay, how about we go check into the hotel and then whoever wants to go out and party can do so?" you asked, turning to look at Derek and Penelope for confirmation that they were okay with this plan. 

"Fine, but I'll have you know that I plan on getting trashed tonight and coming home with some sexy chéries!" Derek said in an awful French accent, with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. 

"Ok pack it up Pepé Le Pew! Let's get moving, Spence is tired." you shot back as you glanced over at him, him mouthing thank you as he grabbed his bags. 

The ride to the hotel is quick, maybe twenty minutes from the airport at most. You spend most of the time looking out the window, taking in the gorgeous city you've waited so long to see. Everyone is chatting among themselves in the backseat of the taxi while you settled for the front seat as you knew you'd rather ride in silence. That is until Derek's words pull you out of your thoughts and back into their conversation.

"Don't you agree, Y/n?" Derek queried, turning his head towards the front of the taxi and looking directly at you.

"Sorry, I kinda zoned out. What did I miss?" I ask sheepishly, spinning around in my seat.

"Pretty boy here says Paris isn't romantic, even though its called the city of love!" he retorts and smacks Spencer on the shoulder playfully. 

"First of all, ow. Second of all, I just don't see the appeal. Paris to me is like valentines day, a ploy made up by big businesses to get you to spend money on something that you think you need to validate your love. I don't need things or places to validate my love." he spits out, glancing at you nervously as he speaks. 

Why was he looking at you as he talked about love? Wait, why do I even care? I'm sure I'm reading too much into this, I'm just tired from the jet lag and I'm inventing scenarios that don't exist. Spence has been your closest friend for a while now and though occasionally you sense a bit of sexual tension all boy/girl friendships get that way sometimes... right? 

"Personally, I like to believe in love being stronger in romantic environments and this seems like the perfect place to meet someone!" you smiled back at them, looking at Spencer who almost seems.. sad? 

"What's that face for?" Derek asks when he catches Spencer's frown. 

"Oh, uh, I don't know. Just thinking about my mom." he responds, shifting in his seat so he is now looking out the window. 

"Well you better start thinking about all the hot French women who will soon be knocking down our doors!" Derek says with a huge smile, rubbing Spencer's shoulders.

The rest of the ride is quieter, Spencer engulfed in his own thoughts as he watches the Parisian skyline while Penelope and Derek whisper about their plans for the evening. Emily has been passed out since we got in the car, snoring like a lumberjack while everyone just tuned her out. You start to think about Spencer again, his sad frown creeping into the back of your mind. You didn't believe him when he said he was thinking about his mom, but you didn't know what was upsetting him. You made a mental note to get to the bottom of it when you got to the hotel. 

A/N: Hello fellow Reid lovers! This is my first fic that I've written EVER and I am NOT a writer I have my bachelors in psychology LOL. I thought this could be a fun outlet for creativity so please let me know if you have any recommendations for directions the story could go! I am currently making it up as I go along but there will not be any cases in this book because I definitely am not able to write those LOL. I'm going to attempt to write smut because I know how much everyone loves it so hopefully I can do it justice ! 

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