Chapter 7 - getting even

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!!!TW: Rough Sex & Degradation !!!!!

(also my first time writing smut so don't judge me ok thanks lol)

The rest of the dinner went off without a hitch and you and the gang were walking the cobblestone streets of Paris later that evening. Spencer hadn't said much to you since his text, but he didn't need to. That was the only thing you'd been able to think about since you read it. 

"Let's find somewhere to hang around for some drinks!" Garcia half-shouted, already tipsy from her two dinner cocktails. 

"I'm game" Derek added, "Prentiss?"

"Yeah, why the hell not. How about you two?" She asked, looking in the direction of where you and Spencer stood on the sidewalk, him a few feet in front of you. 

"I'm tired, I think I'm going to head back to the hotel" Spencer responded, and looked you directly in the eyes. You weren't sure but you thought you saw him wink. His eyes burned into your soul, daring you to join him. You saw the slightest beginnings of a smirk form on his lips. 

"Yeah, I'm kind of tired too. Plus, I don't want Spence wandering around a foreign country by himself." you say, acting as if it's a minor inconvenience for you to go with him so as to not raise suspicions. 

"Okay, you guys get some well-needed rest." Prentiss says looking directly at you and winking. She quickly turns on her heels to catch up with Derek and Penelope who were already in line at a bar nearby. 

"Shall we?" Spencer asks, motioning in front of him with his right hand. 

"We shall." you respond, a small smile on your face. 

The walk back to the hotel is a bit of a hike, about a mile from where you left the others. You and Spencer walk in sync the entire time, in total silence. You think you hear him say something, but he shakes his head as if to say never mind

You enter the hotel and head up to your room. Digging deep within your purse to find the key card, you spend a good few minutes outside the door just searching. You notice Spencer's fingers tapping his thigh impatiently. You finally manage to find the card and swipe it, unlocking your shared room. You are barely halfway through the entryway when a hand grabs your wrist and pins you to the wall. Within seconds Spencer's lips are on yours, his kiss hungry like he's been waiting centuries. His right hand is holding your wrists above your head against the wall while his left starts snaking its way down your body. His tongue forcefully pushes its way into your mouth and you happily oblige. He pulls his face back from yours and for a moment you are both staring, panting hard and loud. He begins to remove himself from the wall. 

"Strip and get on the bed." he says, in a lower octave than you're used to hearing him speak. 

"Wh-what?" you stutter

"Are you deaf? Take off your clothes and get on the bed, you're going to be punished for that stunt you pulled earlier." he fires back, his tone becoming increasingly annoyed.

holy shit. You quickly scurry over to the bed and begin peeling off layers while he just watches. This was a side of Spencer you weren't used to seeing, and it was hot. Finally you removed every item, throwing them on the floor, and were sitting in the middle of the king size bed, but ass naked. He began walking toward you, taking his belt off in the process. 

"Lift your hands." he demanded, and you obliged. He used the belt to tightly secure your hands to the headboard of the bed, tugging so they stayed in place. Your heart was nearly beating out of your chest, you could hear its muffled sound all the way in your ears. You'd never been restrained during sex before and you were ready. 

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