Chapter 3 - I shouldn't know this

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You were awoken by a light shake. You slowly peeled your eyes open without moving your body, coming to the realization that it was still completely dark outside. You glance at the clock: 3:30am. You wonder why you awoke, until you hear gentle grunts coming from behind you. What the hell could that be? You listen closer and quiet your breathing.

Heavy breathing sounds begin to fill the room lightly while the bed still shakes the slightest amount that you can tell. You've always been a light sleeper but nobody knew that in case you ever had to use it to your advantage. You slowly begin to roll your body over to investigate, quietly, as to not wake Spencer. You look over to see he still has his back to you, but you can see his arm moving rapidly. His breathing picks up and you hear him say oh fuck below his breath and it suddenly hits you. 

Oh. My. God. 

Spencer is jacking off with you in the bed right next to him! Holy shit. What do I do? I obviously can't let him know that I'm awake, our friendship would never survive that awkwardness. I can't lose him, not over something so trivial. He's rapidly picking up speed and you can tell he's close. His noises are beginning to make you feel something low in your stomach. Butterflies? Oh lord. You're turned on by Spencer Reid. 

You hate to admit it but his tiny moans and quiet breaths are killing you, and in this moment you want nothing more than to reach over and help him out. Wait.

You want him? 

Spencer is your closest friend on the team, but you'd never seen him like that before. He was more of the innocent brother type. You've told him about your past hookups with other guys for christ sake. He was objectively handsome, anyone could see that, but he just never expressed much interest in girls that in the beginning you actually thought he may be gay. He quickly squashed that when you saw pictures of him kissing Lila Archer, an A-list celebrity from a case they had in Los Angeles. Reid could get women if he tried, he just never really tried. 

While your head is spinning from the sudden realization that you're beginning to become sexually frustrated by Spencer Reid you hear one final low grunt and Spencer moves from the bed and into the bathroom quickly. 

You now sit in the dark, considering your next move. Does he think of you in that way too? How embarrassing would it be if you were to make a move only to be turned down by your best friend. Do you even want to make a move, or live with knowing that you have these feelings towards him? Could you hide it? Suddenly, you notice Reid's phone that he left before he went to the bathroom, turned over screen down on the nightstand. Your interest is piqued, was he watching porn? What kinds of stuff was Spencer into? You knew it was an invasion of privacy but your curiosity overcomes you and you reach from your place on the bed over to where his phone sits. You pick it up and flip it over to reveal that it was not in fact porn, but rather a still photo. 

of you. 

This particular photo was from the team barbecue at Rossi's house on the Fourth of July. You wore a skimpy red white and blue bikini that your tits were practically hanging out of. Derek made some sly remark when you got to the house about how dressing slutty is normally reserved for halloween but he will allow it and you hit him upside the head though you loved him. You didn't care what you looked like because you knew you wouldn't need to be impressing anyone and everyone there saw each other as family .. or so you thought.

You hear the bathroom door open and quickly throw Spencer's phone to the other side of the bed, face down like before. You flip over and pretend to still be sleeping as you hear the sound of his footsteps growing closer. He paused when he got to the bed, picking up his phone and putting it on the charger, you hear the ding of it being plugged in. He crawls back into bed and falls back asleep in the same position he started in, facing away from you as if nothing had just happened. 

But it did. And you were going to have a hell of a time falling asleep now. 

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