Chapter 8 - the morning after

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You'd never slept more soundly in your life. On any other night you'd roll around multiple times, finding a comfortable position or just staring at the ceiling when you couldn't fall asleep. Not last night. You went to sleep in the comfort of Spencers arms and woke up exactly the same way. You slowly opened your eyes as the sliver of open curtain allowed the morning sun to illuminate the small, but elegant, room. Craning your neck behind you, you notice Spencer's hazel eyes staring back at you.

"Good morning sunshine, sleep well?" he asks with a smirk

"Why yes, in fact I did." you respond, "Have you been up long?"

"About a half hour but you looked so peaceful sleeping I couldn't bare to wake you."

"Spence! You didn't need to wait for me to wake up!" you say, raising the octave of your voice to express your sympathy for making him wait for you.

"Yes I did, because then I couldn't do this" he snaps back, leaning over and closing the gap between you two, pressing your lips together lightly and sensually; very different than last night.

A smile crosses your face as he pulls away and you sit in silence for a moment before you begin to unravel yourself from him and head towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to jump in the shower really quick" you say, grabbing a clean towel from the linen closet provided by the hotel and spinning on your heels to turn.

Before you know it Spencer is off the bed and behind you.

"Mind if I join? I'm not known to be quick but I can try my best..." as he gives you the most seductive smirk you've seen cross his face yet. You can't help but cave into his desires and ... if you're being honest ... they're your desires too.

You roll your eyes playfully and nod in the direction of the bathroom door, giving him permission to come with. You strip off the t-shirt you had worn to bed and lean over to turn on the hot water, all the while Spencer stands behind you gawking.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" you grin, winking over your shoulder at him.

"I already have one that does the job just fine. But you knew that." he retorts in a snarky tone, causing you to scoff and feign offense at his comment. His half-smile growing bigger as he begins to strip his own t-shirt and boxers off.

You get into the shower, adjusting the temperature a bit to be warm enough without burning your skin. You spend a few more moments messing with the knob when you feel hands on your waist and spin around to greet the man that joined you.

He looks adorable, the cutest smile on his face while he takes you in, admiring every inch of you in awe. You always thought Spencer was cute, but in a puppy dog sort of way. You now knew that he had the ability to be both puppy dog cute and daddy hot.

You reach up and stroke his cheek, causing him to lean in and press your lips together in a passionate kiss, much stronger than the good morning kiss you'd just gotten. You run your hands down his shoulders, over his chest and down towards his already half hard dick. You slowly wrap your hand around his shaft and begin pumping slowly. He moans into your mouth and you can tell he likes this so with a sudden burst of confidence you get on your knees in front of him, and look up at him with a devious smile. You kiss his tip and sink the rest of his dick into your mouth as deep as you can go, beginning to bob up and down. His breaths grow heavy and he wraps a hand in your hair, guiding your pace to where he needs it. Suddenly he pulls you up by your hair, shocking you.

"Stop" he pants "I don't want to cum in your mouth, I want to cum in that pretty little pussy of yours. Come here"

And just like that you are pressing yourself against him as he takes your left leg and locks it over his hip. You understand what he's wanting and you take your right leg and bring it up so he can hold you up. He spins around to allow you to be pressed against the shower wall, helping him hold you up. He looks at you for a moment, eyes dark with lust, before he plunges himself inside of you. He swiftly picks up the pace of his thrusts, giving you no time to adjust.

"Yes, doctor, just like that" you moan, and you feel his dick twitch inside of you at the use of his formal title. Your eyes begin to flutter shut as you let yourself enjoy every moment of what is happening as you feel a hand lightly grab your neck.

"Open your eyes, I want you to look at me while I'm filling you up" he commands, and you peel your eyes open despite every fiber of your being wanting to keep them closed.

He removes his hand from your throat and uses it to rub your clit in quick circles. You feel the familiar sensation deep within you and you know you're close. You begin to unravel when he speaks again.

"Fuck, baby, I'm about to cum" he calls out as you feel him begin to throb inside you. Moments later he shoots his warm cum deep within you as you squirm through your orgasm that you so desperately missed the feeling of.

He pulls out of you and you suddenly feel so empty, missing the feeling of him within you. You both stand, catching your breath when he leans over and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. You chuckle and give him a small smile, leaning forward and returning the favor with a small kiss on his chest.

"Alright, let's finish up in here you were supposed to be quick!" you quip.

"I just can't help it around you!" he says and your heart flutters at his words.

You'd never felt more comfortable around someone before, it was really nice to be able to be your true and complete self around Spence.

And then, as if the morning had been going too well, unwanted thoughts creep into your mind.

What is this?

You'd pushed the thought away until now, knowing it would just cause unnecessary drama in your ... relationship? If you could even call it that. The truth is it had only been a few days, but you could tell you were falling for the curly haired boy you once thought of as strictly friend material. You think he may be falling for you too, but imagine how uncomfortable that conversation would be if he just wanted a casual hookup. He didn't seem like the type, but your fear of rejection could never be sure. If you brought it up and you two disagreed on what you were, things could get weird and there would be no more hot, steamy, sex. And you didn't want that to go away, not any time soon. You decided that for now you would let this ride itself out and maybe, hopefully, he would bring it up before you had the chance to overthink again.

A/N: sorry this chapter is almost entirely smut but also I know you don't mind ;). please leave me ideas for where you'd like to see this story go !! Also shoutout to imawhore4mgg and simpforsoup   for leaving comments that have been making me laugh 😝

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