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Name: Talyn
Nicknames: Tal, Lyn
Age: 25
Gender: Demiboy
Pronouns: He/Him & They/Them
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Hair Color: Black with dark blue highlights
Eye Color: Brown
System Role: Factive & Caretaker
Source: YouTube (Thomas Sanders & Friends)
Birthday: December 16th (Sagittarius)
Species: Human
Height: 5'7
Hobbies: Learning Pagan Witchcraft (Wicca)
Other: They're dating Joan in our system. Wants to dye the body's hair a galaxy color (which we all agree upon). Loves looking after everyone to make sure they are alright. Wears dark clothes a lot when fronting.
Ok With Touch?: Ask
Ok With Nicknames/Honorifics?: Just don't call them demeaning/'cute' nicknames.
Positive Triggers: Nature, animals, midnight
Negative Triggers: N/A




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