The Host Club's Performer

253 13 17

Valerie's P.O.V

"Uggh..." I groaned as I laid my head down on my desk. I was so tired; cutting class on my second day and going to sleep somewhere else was starting to seem very reasonable.

Until yesterday I never knew the definition of "ball of energy" until I hung out with Tamaki Suoh. He was so excited and fascinated about the fact everything was so low priced and we didn't end up leaving until closing, which was 12AM. After that I really just wanted to go home and sleep but, he kept asking me questions about the "commoner's world". Eventually, I got to my house and he was still asking me questions and I finally had to tell him to go home and that we'll continue this discussion tomorrow at school. He reluctantly left and when I checked the time it was 1AM when I finally hit the sheets.

"Good mor- whoa," I looked up to see Hinata looking at me with a worried yet surprised expression," What happened to you?"

"Thanks for the compliment." I grumbled putting my head back down.  Hinata sets his stuff down on his desk, next to me, and continues to talk to me.

"What time did you go to sleep last night?" He inquired.

"One in the morning." I say turning my head to him.

"Why so late?"

"Because, I had to deal with the one and only Tam-" I stopped myself before I could continue. I knew how Hinata felt about Tamaki, well I did know but I didn't know.. its complicated. He waited for me to finish and I picked up my head quick," I had to deal with the one and only Tamiyama! He-she! She is my dog haha." I moved my hands back and forth as if gesturing to let it go and he did.

"Valerie!" I look forward to see Tamaki approaching me with a smile.

'Speak of the devil.. this is not gonna be easy to get out of.'

"Oh good morning.. Tamaki.." I glance at Hinata for a moment whose face was filled with dissatisfaction.

"Look, look Valerie! While we were at the commoner's supermarket I bought ramen! During lunch can you show me how to make it!" He says and I glace at Hinata again. I could literally see the black aura around him as he tried to stare down the bright, cheerful Tamaki.

"Just read the directions. I'm too tired to do anything to day." I sigh. He sets his hands onto my desk and leans in towards me," Are you sure? I think I can change that." I blush narrowing my eyes at him and pushing his face away," No thanks." I hear it again like the first time I met him. The sound of glass breaking but only his ego actually broke but this time I got a bonus and he turned completely white.

I could feel Hinata's scary aura begin to fade somewhat and I relax. The teacher tells us to return to our seats. I felt someone was still staring at me but, not in a good way and I didn't like the feeling. The same thing happened last time when I first went into the Host Club. I run my fingers through my short hair and ignore the feeling.

.  .  .

Class was boring as ever and Hinata returned to his normal self before lunch started so we could work on our song.

"Any ideas on what our song theme should be?" He asked as we walked to the cafeteria.

"Well when I was younger I used to write a lot of songs but..," I blushed of out embarrassment," they weren't very fluent or long but, I do remember one song that I think is really good." I finish smiling.

"Alright, what's it called, what's it's theme and what's it about?" He asks and I answer, "The song is called Two Breaths Walking and it's a love song but there's a tragic ending.  It's about a boy falling in love with a girl but she has something that, possibly, could end her life sooner than expected. From what I remember writing; he's kind of a beginner in love and even though he doesn't know it he's hurting the girl by doing stuff like cheating, flirting with other people and saying mean things to her during arguments and all this stuff. Even though he does this she's still willing to forgive him and continuously tries to make him hers forever, which she does, but something happens to the both of them and they end up dying together; 'breathing in sync' until the end." I finish huffing in a breath of air.

Hinata was full on paying attention as we sat down eating and I could tell by the look of his face we were gonna do this song. He compliments me and confirms with me that we are doing the song. I, honestly, couldn't be happier in that moment. We finish up our lunch and hang out the rest of the lunch with no interruptions at all as we practiced.

.  .  .

"Now time for the moment I dreaded." I say as I stand out the door of music room 3. I open it and I didn't expect to see what I did nor was I excited by seeing it. The Host Club was dressed up in Egyptian attire. I leaned my head against the door and tell them," I really question the lifestyles you all lead."

"Now don't be like that Val! We even picked an outfit for you! Haruhi didn't want to match with me so I got one for you too that could match with me!" Tamaki said showing the outfit.

"No I'm not gonna wear that. How do you guys even come up with ideas like this?" I sigh.

"If you have a problem with the way this club is ran then I wouldn't mine giving the principal the place where you work." Kyouya says and I cleared up my act.

"A-anyways.. what am I suppose to do while I'm here? It's not like I can host I mean look," I gesture towards my boobs," I can't exactly cover these up." Tamaki, Kaoru and Hikaru's faces become red from what I said.

"W-well.. y-you can.." Tamaki stutters but Kyouya saves him.

"You can perform and practice your songs here since you have those singing classes." Kyouya proposes as he types away on his computer. I agree to his idea due to not having ideas myself so, they gave me the name: The Host Club's Performer. The club did its usual flirting and twincest acts until the ending were I performed a cover of Growing Pains by Katy Hudson. While I was singing a lot of the people enjoyed it but, of course, there were a couple of girls giving me dirty looks. I thought it was mostly because I'm in the Host Club now. I ignored the stares and continued to sing but one girl's stare was more familiar than all the rest... 

( Ohmygod guys this chapter was so goddamn difficult to upload. I had everything done and ready to publish but my computer has so many viruses going on the internet is an impossible task and frankly I don't want to write my story on my phone because I make a lot of mistakes. I'm really sorry just right now i barely got it to just save the writing and i'm typing this on my phone. Also i dont feel like i did very good for this chapter its kind of a lead up to next chapter when things start to actually get going. Well anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter! See ya )

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