A Host Club?

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I looked at a bunch of boys in..  questionable outfits and positions. I just stared at them for a couple of seconds and immediately turned around only to find the door was locked.

“My princess, don’t leave! I can’t continue living if you leave. ” The boy with the blond hair and violet eyes said to me with a begging expression. Usually in a situation like this I would have probably thrown him across the room but seeing all the expensive stuff, that’d I’d probably couldn’t afford in a million years, I restrained myself.

“Would you mind getting your face away from me I don’t want to catch your stinky sent.” I say smiling but in a cold voice. He actually didn’t smell bad he was just too close for comfort. There was a sound of breaking glass heard, nothing actually broke but his ego, and he was sitting in the fetus position with a gloomy aura around him. I hear the two twins that lead me here start to laugh historically.

“Now if you will excuse me I need to go to my choir class.” I say walking to the door but someone stops me.

“Wait a minute, are you Valerie May that commoner that got here through a scholar ship?” The twins asked in sync.

“Uh, yes how do you know my name?” I asked and they smirked.

“Haruhi~” They sang and grabbed a girl with pretty short hair like me.

“We found you a new commoner friend!” They said pushing her towards me. I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips at them calling me a “commoner”.

“What is this club even?” I sighed putting my hand on my forehead.

“This, my dear, is The Host Club,” the blond stood up,” where the school’s handsomest boys with way too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as the playground for the super rich and beautiful.” He finished with a graceful stance.

“So tell me your type! Do you like the silent type, the boy Lolita, how about the mischievous type, or the cool type, maybe even the natural and lastly th-“ I cut him off because ever since I came in something has been bothering me and I thought it was the perfect time to address it.

“Wait, you say this is a host club but there’s a girl and a little boy.” I say and I heard it again. Breaking glass but not from someone ego breaking, from something more like shock. The blond and the twins laughed awkwardly.

“What do you mean? There’s no girls," The right (Hikaru) twin said.

"and that little boy is Hani-senpai." The left (Kaoru) twin said. The little boy laughed while swinging down a tall man's arm.

"Hi Val-chan! It's nice to meet you! I'm Hani and this is Takashi!" He giggled and I nodded, smiling at the cuteness. I shook my head and went back to topic.

"Okay I'll give you the fact that he's older because some people are pretty short but that is for sure a girl." I say and the blond then snaps his fingers.

"Sir!!" The twins yell and put me in an arm lock.

"Hey! Watch it!" I growled.

"Valerie from this day forward you have no choice but to join our club." The blond said and I laughed.

"Hahaha! No choice? Well you have nothing on me soo you can't really force me to join." I laugh feeling victorious.

"Well isn't this interesting," the boy with glasses says," jobs are prohibited at this school and apparently Valerie you work at a cafe near your home." 

I stood there in disbelief,’H-How does he know where I work?!’  My feeling of victory started to slowly turn into panic.

“T-That’s..” I tried to pick my words but I had nothing.

“Then that settles it. From this day forward Valerie May.. Welcome to the Host Club!”


[Wow the author actually updated! Soo sorry about not updated for a loong time ; ^ ;)/  I'll try to get the updating system back on track soon! Later guys ♥]

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