1. The Rift between The Old and The New

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It had been several weeks since the people of Earth made it and landed on their new home of Ginia. Since then the inhabitants dispersed to all corners of the planet, creating settlements for the populous to thrive. The Ginian Sun was starting to rise over the eastern horizon, its radiant rays were illuminating the mountains and were beginning to creep down to the valley floor and to the campsite. The alarm clock on one of the fighter ships went off and the canopy opened up. Blake woke up and was stretching his arms; he looked up and saw the rising sun. He yawned as he was climbing out of his fighter.

"Good morning captain,"

Blake turned around; behind him was the American President.

"Good morning to you too sir," Blake replied.

The president walked up to Blake; he had a cup of coffee in his hand as he was watching the sun rising with the captain.

"This planet is magnificent isn't it captain? Not once have our brightest scientists in our generation have ever conceived the thought of a planet like uh.... Ginia as you named it, to exist. They are still baffled about the whole thing,"

"She sure is sir, a planet worth protecting," Blake said.

"And we will; but enough about that, listen I was talking with the other leaders last night and they all agreed that if we're to rebuild our civilization back to the way it was, we need to locate the planet's natural resources at once. I'm sure the A.R.K 2's quantum supercomputers were able to scan deep within the planet and was able to pinpoint everything within the planet's crust. We need access to that data," President Wayne requested.

Blake thought about what the American President had just said, last night he had a dream; he was once again in the great hall. The twelve entities were still in their usual spots while Yazzimaru was standing was standing in front of the thirteenth pedestal.

"Blake, we've called you here on an urgent matter," Yazzimaru said.

"Whatever it is I'll be glad to help as best as I can,"

"Good, now then, we believe that your world leaders would want to harvest Ginia's natural resources. We cannot allow them to do such atrocity,"

"I don't understand," Blake replied. "We have our Janinite Reactors and crystals; we can use them for centuries to come without needing to make more. Why would the world leaders' resort to such primitive means of energy?"

"For control over the people," "Think about it Alexandro, without the resources, the world leaders have no power over the people, even with the crystals your aunt made they don't see in controlling the masses. They want to control the people with these precious resources, just like the leaders of old,"

"You're right Yazzimaru," Blake said. "For centuries, the world leaders from earth harvested the planet's recourses, manipulating people, going to war and nearly wiping all life on the planet. I will not let them make the same mistake on Ginia. The planet is far too beautiful to let them destroy it,"

"Excellent, do whatever you can to stop them,"

Blake nodded at Yazzimaru in agreement. As he was still thinking of the dream, the American President snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Captain, are you alright?" President Wayne asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Listen sir, I'm sorry; I cannot allow you or any of the world leaders access to that data. The leaders of old nearly destroyed earth on several occasions and nearly wiped out humanity because of their greed for the few resources the planet had. The natural resources that are within Ginia are for the planet and her alone, we can't go back to a primitive way of life and even you should know better. You take away that very life; and this planet will surely die," Blake argued.

The Alexandro Chronicles: The Conflict against Neo-EarthWhere stories live. Discover now