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The loud screech of your alarm clock dragged you out of your sleep. Your eyes flashed open in momentary fear before they fashioned themselves into a bitter glare at the shrieking machine. You fell back onto your bed as a mixture between a groan and a whine left your lips. You put your forearm over your eyes before slamming your fist onto the "OFF" button to silence the damned machine. You cursed Ms. Zoë for only having morning classes. Ignoring your body's demand for you to stay in bed, you forced yourself up. Your work wasn't going to do itself. You swung your bare legs over your bed, rubbing both of your eyes. 'Okay,' you thought to yourself before a determined look fell over your puffy face. 'Let's get this stuff over with.' You stood up, making your way to your bathroom.

It had been four days since you had been to the boxing club. You hadn't spoken to nor seen Connie or Sasha in those few days, but it didn't bother you. You remembered them saying that night that they shared your engineering class with you. You were ashamed to admit you were excited to have people to talk to, even if it was only one class. Over the course of those four days, the image of the quick fighter with the black hair and empty stare haunted you. You had accepted that you were probably never going to see him again, but that didn't mean you weren't interested in him. You briefly wondered where he was and what he was doing right now.

The sound of running water pulled you out of your thoughts. You shook your head before pushing the image of the dead-eyed fighter to the back of your mind. You had better and more pressing things to worry about. You gathered the clear water in your palms before splashing it on your face. Reaching for your face wash, you rubbed the formula into your skin before grabbing your toothbrush and brushing your teeth. After you had rinsed your face and mouth off, you stripped out of your pajamas--which was really a worn oversized jersey and black shorts--and entered your shower. Once you were satisfied with how clean you were, you stepped out and got ready for the rest of the day. You decided on a black sweater and jeans--original, you knew-- and a pair of white sneakers. You absolutely lacked the drive to do your hair, so you just pulled it up in a high [Puff/Ponytail]. You grabbed the lipgloss on your desk and applied it. You decided you looked presentable enough and walked out of your apartment.

Immediately, your eyes connected with large moving boxes surrounding the apartment next to yours. You looked on in surprise. You had almost forgotten the previous owner had graduated. You didn't know how, though, as the previous owner was constantly having extremely loud sex and the walls were paper thin. You frowned at the thought. You turned around, moving to lock your apartment doors. You let out an irritated sigh when the lock wouldn't turn. You had known that you probably needed to alert the administration that your lock was messed up, but you always found yourself putting it off. 'One day this crap is gonna break for good on me.' You thought to yourself nonchalantly. Eh, oh well. That was a problem for the future [Name].

You turned on your heel, plugging in your earphoneS and making your way to the bus.


You walked into Ms. Zoë's class, nervousness growing in your chest. As usual, everyone was grouped in their own friend groups. You looked around, your gaze landing on Sasha. She was engaged in conversation with about four other people, most of whom you had never really seen before. She didn't even notice you walked in. You wanted to go over to Sasha, but you were way too anxious to have that many people eyeing you. You gulped, timidly walking to the back of the room. What were you thinking, that they were gonna save a golden seat for you? You scolded yourself in your mind as you made your way to the very back--

"OI! [NAME]!" You froze, immediately tensing up. You turned slowly, only for your eyes to be connected with Connie and Sasha, who were waving their hands wildly. You looked around the room discreetly, only for half the room to be staring back at you. You felt your palms get sweaty as you slowly made your way to where the pair sat.

At The Bottom Of The Bottle [Troubled! Boxer! Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now