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✨You given me a feeling I've never felt before✨
Everyone see a different side of Kageyama

•Kageyama centric
• Kageyama x suga
I don't give a fuck if you don't ship it just leave if you don't

"bakayama come on kenma and the rest are waiting," Hinata said whining

While Kageyama pouted in his room, rocking a blue hair baby to sleep. Hinata wasn't paying attention so he didn't notice the giggling child noises and baby gurgles.

"Oi boke Hinata Just go without me"
Kageyama yelled from his room

"Fine but don't get mad when Daichi-Senpai sends The grand king to come and get you," Hinata said before leaving.

Soon Kageyama came out with a baby in his hand while 2 more children had run out of the room

"Mama let's go!" Yelled Fumio while his twin brother rubbed his eyes yawning softly Fuiji made grabby hands at Kageyama who kissed both of their foreheads before placing his 6month-year-old son Toshiro but they call him Roro for short, in the baby sling, that hung from the from of his chest.

"Fumio go get you and your brother shoes, Fuiji get the diaper bag," Kageyama said softly as Fumio bounced happily while Fuiji just looked, uninterested, but Kageyama knew he was excited by the way he slightly tugged on the end of his sweater.

Fuiji said quietly, he's the quiet one and he didn't like to talk a lot, while Fumio was loud and energetic

"Yes dear"
He looked down at Fuiji who pouted softly, looking at his mother, wanting cuddles, Kageyama turning the baby swing, around, so the baby was sleeping snuggled against his back.

Picking the boy up immediately burying His face into his chest before falling asleep.

"Should I bring the stroller?, knowing how tired the twins and Roro gets, I should bring their blankets or maybe, I should bring an extra bag? Nah Im overthinking it" he mumbled before on excited Fumio came back with their shoes and bag.

"Where is Tobioooo" Oikwara whinnied earning a smack from Iwaizumi

"Trashykwara shut up you heard what shrimp said"

"Hinata are you sure he said he'd meet us here" sugamama said worried for his baby crow.

Hinata said munching on a meat bun

"Tch of course king late"
Tsukkishima said rolling his eye

"Maybe he got caught up doing something" Yamaguchi, mumbled

"Shut up Yamaguchi"
Tsukki said rolling his eyes


"Shut up salty face"
Terushima said wrapping his arms around his Yama, he hated Tsukki attitude.

Yamaguchi sighed know they were gonna start another argument, just pinched them both.

"Ah- I don't wanna hear it"
As the two tried to apologize to Tadashi who just sat in lap Terushima.
While Tsukki, went go sit next to kuroo who welcomed his boyfriend back with open arms

"Kiss me"
Kuroo pouted grabbing tsukishima

Everyone sat in the cafe their wait for Kageyama.

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