Avatar state

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Aang woke up with a groan and a headache. He sat upon his bed and noticed he wasn't wearing any clothes. the room started spinning. He didn't see katara anywhere. He couldn't remember anything from last night. He got up weakly and went downstairs, no one was around except Katara who was laying down on the sofa and was wearing a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. He sat down next to her.

"Good Morning" Aang greeted her.

"Good Morning. How are you?" She asked.

"My head hurts, what happened last night?" 

"Toph got pregnant with Sokka's child. They went to solve that issue with Suki, it will take them a while," She chuckled "You and Toph went to a bar, you got drunk and tried to have sex with another girl and then-" She was interrupted by Aang shouting.

"I did what! With who! THAT WAS STUPID! I want you to know I don't remember and I won't do that again cause I love you" Aang said with a wide-eyed expression.

"That's okay cause then Toph called me thankfully and Then I ran back to you and then we started having sex in the bar," She said casually.

"That happened? I am so confused" He groaned.

Katara burst out laughing. She had her feet resting on Aangs thigh and her hands were covering her face. She tried to tame herself but couldn't and Aang was looking at her with a confused face.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I- don't know,"  She said between laughs, "just thinking about yesterday is hilarious, you should have seen yourself. You couldn't even move when we got home." She said laughing.

Aang chuckled along with her and rolled his eyes "Anywayyyss- where is everyone?" 

After taming herself Katara said, "They went out to solve their issue and won't be back for a while."

Aang smiled and he was on top of Katara now but didn't touch her. His hands were on both sides of her shoulders and his legs were on both sides of her hips. Katara smiled at him and raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't have enough yesterday?"Katara asked

"You see the problem is that I can't remember anything, maybe you can jog my memory" Aang smirked.

"I can try," Katara said innocently. She snaked her arm around his neck and closed the space between them. When their lips touched, Aang gasped in pain and pulled back, his avatar state flickering wanting to come out.

"Aang! What happened?" Katara sat up and grabbed his face. He was fully in his Avatar state and he said something, but it wasn't him it was his past lives.

"Katara of the water tribe, you are misusing the Avatar's powers, if you want Avatar Aang to fulfill his destiny then you should stay out of his way, otherwise you will cause his own destruction." They said through Aang, he went to his normal state and gasped in pain, and collapsed to the ground.

"AANG!" Katara had tears in her eyes from the message, she helped Aang get up from the floor and brought him on her couch. He was holding his head and groaning, she went in for a hug but resisted and pulled away remembering what happened. I have to let him go it's better for him even if It will break me. Katara thought with tears in her eyes.

"What happened Katara? Why are you crying?" He asked going in for a hug, but Katara stopped him by holding his hands and looked at him with sad eyes. Aang looked at her ignoring her hands which tried to stop him and hugged her with all his heart. Katara broke down in his arms and found her crying tear after tear. Aang couldn't see her like this and asked her again what happened.

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