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How am I gonna tell him! What if he rejects me and leaves me! Oh no no no no I will not allow that! I love him and he loves me right?! Gosh Katara Dam you, what r u thinking of course he loves you, He will understand, Sokka will kill him, my DAD will kill me! How do I tell him, Should I call me here? Ya, I will do that. Katara was stomping around her room for the past hour thinking about how to tell her boyfriend life-changing news. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. She stopped for a moment. I can't do this! UGHHHH! She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

"Aang will you come here for a moment!" Katara shouted towards the kitchen.

"Coming!" she heard him reply back.

She took another deep breath as she saw him walking towards her. Before Aang could ask her anything, Katara grabbed her wrist and yanked him in the room, and closed the room behind them.

"Ay! Kat what happened!" Aang exclaimed as he was yanked inside.

Katara gestured to sit on the bed as he suspiciously and slowly went and sat down at the edge. Katara sat on his thighs with her legs wrapped around him and her hands on his chest holding his shirt.

"Um, are you okay?" Aang asked worriedly, grabbing her waist.

"Aang, I am about to tell you something that will change our lives, or destroy it" She told him glaring into his eyes.

"What happened?" Aang asked, leaning back slightly looking at her suspiciously.

"But first... I love you. Do you love me?" Katara asked, obviously knowing the answer.

"Of course I love you Katara. Why would you ask that?" Aang smiled. Katara gave a quick peck on his lips and went back to glaring at him.

"So if I were to tell you something... life-changing... would you leave me?" Katara asked almost at the brick of tears.

"Kat, you truly are a crazy person." Aang brought her in a hug and laid down with her and turned around so now Katara was under him, "Of course not, why would I do that? I love you" He kissed her lips and looked at her again, "But what happened?" he asked again.

Katara looked away from him and placed her hands on his biceps from under him and took another deep breath, tears were now falling from the eyes.

"I am pregnant," She said quickly, closing her eyes not wanting to see his reaction.

Aang widened his eyes at her, got up, and sat next to her looking at the wall in front of her blankly. Katara sat up too now actually worried and looked at him. After a moment Aang faced his body towards her and held her hands.

"Okay... um, that's news... Hehe um... So does anyone else know" Aang asked, stammering. Katara shook her head.

"That okay, is it- him-her- me- i -ugh " Aang clenched his fist not knowing the exact words. But, Katara understood him and put her hands on his and nodded her head at him.

"That's good... other than the fact that I am still your boyfriend and Sokka and your Dad might kill me...correction WILL kill me..." Aang's expression turned from confused to worried as he said Sokka's name," That's great Katara!!" Aang jumped up from his seat and picked Katara from the waist and twirled her around.

"It is?" Katara asked, confused looking at her young boyfriend.

"I mean of course it is, obviously we are still in a relationship and I am far from ready to be a parent, but it is great, it truly is" Aang hands were shaking but his face at a smile and his eyes shone like anything.

Katara was now crying in happiness and hugged Aang tightly, "Thank you Aang, thank you so much."

"For what?" Aang asked, smiling but confused.

"For everything, for you and for this life." Katara laughed from under her crying.

Aang was now in tears too and smashed his lips with hers, they stayed like that for a while until Aang realized something.

"We still have to tell everyone and Sokka," Aang face palmed himself, "You know what will make this news less... 'surprising' if I may?".

"What?" Katara asked. She widened her eyes as Aang got on one knee in front of her, holding up a necklace like her mother's, with the signs of the Air nomads and the water tribe engraved.

"Katara, will you marry me?" He asked.

Katara had more tears dripping from her eyes," Of course I will, doofus," Katara said nudging his elbow. Aang got up and tied the necklace around her and they kissed.

This is truly life-changing news. 

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