Part 4

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Sirius and you started to see each other besides the project work too. It started innocently enough. He told you he was desperate to sneak out to get his mind working and you volunteered. The two of you went to the astronomy tower, listening to him point towards 'Sirius' the star over and over again. You giggled.

"But do you know the story behind them?" you asked and Sirius raised his eyebrows.

"No? Can you tell me?"

And Sirius watched you as you completely immersed yourself telling him the tales of galaxies far away. You could talk about anything and he would listen to every single word. You were beautiful.

You saw Sirius looking at you and your heart skipped a beat. You blushed under his gaze.

One time turned into two and then three and it kept on increasing until you met him every other day. You loved every second of it. And unknowns' to you he did too.

You started noticing all these little things about Sirius. He wasn't who he pretended to be. He didn't always like being the center of attention; it set him on the edge. It made him want to act aloof and uncaring. You saw as he always looked after his friends and people in general. There were so many times he just forced Remus to go to bed and sleep, offer James a comforting hand as Lily turned him down yet again. Helping first and second years with their confidence and learning magic. Offering Madam Pince to carry and arrange the huge stack of books she was toppling under. Just helping anyone and everyone whenever he saw them struggling.

And your way of thinking about him changed. He wasn't who he pretended to be. And it made you wonder dangerous things. Dangerous things that made your heart go wild. You were falling for him; there was no doubt in that. You felt his pain as your own and you couldn't help it. You couldn't stay away from him, not for long anyway. You wondered whether you two were really meant to be, whether Sirius would ever love you back.

Sirius on the other hand found it difficult to keep up the façade around you. You brought down his walls so easily. You did not seem to like the image he kept up. The charming Sirius who didn't have a care for the world. It was him, the real him that seemed to make you smile at him in a way that made his heart flutter. And he wanted that, so so much. He wanted to stretch the moment when you looked at him as your eyes sparkled, it made his stomach flip.

He could be himself around you just like Remus or James. He couldn't stop the wide grin from forming when you passionately talked about werewolf rights. You fit in his friend group as if you had known them forever. That did make him jealous too, even though he knew there was nothing to worry about. He would frown and subtly move you away from Remus when the two of you got so involved in talking about books that you ignored him. You didn't understand that but Remus did. He would cock his eyebrow and Sirius wouldn't be able to help but blush.


"So you've never had pizza?" you asked Sirius.

"No, never."

"Oh my god, you have have to try it! There's a muggle town not too far from here which has an amazing pizzeria, we'll go there this Sunday."

"Are you asking me out on a date, (Y/n)?" he said, smirking, making your cheeks go red and your eyes widen.

"No, I taking you to have some lips smacking pizza." You said as Sirius sighed.

"Wouldn't have said no to either, but okay." Sirius said as your heart skipped a beat. He went back to his potion's essay. Sirius did not do "dates." You looked at him wondering whether he was kidding. Was he considering you two being together?

"I know I am pretty but if you keep looking at me like that I won't be able to concentrate." He said making you avert your eyes and blush deeply.


Not meant to be • Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now