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It has been a peaceful kind of living for Lea Salonga and Ellie Rae Martinez since they migrated to England

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It has been a peaceful kind of living for Lea Salonga and Ellie Rae Martinez since they migrated to England.

The two ladies have bought in share a luxurious home on a quiet part of London where they are joined only by a minimal number of helpers; an assigned nanny for Apollo, two female helpers to manage the place, and a houseboy who serves as their driver and gardener at the same time.

The two talented ladies have come to enjoy their privacy while they try to relax from this new and refreshing way of living they have started.

Though people from the Philippines have thought that the reason why the famed writer and the international Broadway star had come to live in England is simply to retire, it is not. Lea remains to be active in theater work and doing concerts based in UK and sometimes in North America.

As for her protege, Ellie had come to accept writing scripts for plays on some of the theater companies based in West End. She even got to work on a musical that her lover had been casted on. El had been quickly building up her name on the theater world in UK as her works have proved to be award magnets. Not that she isn't being recognized as a top notch writer, but her reputation in creating original scripts for musical plays are being established on her own right, not because of her connections with the famed Disney Legend Lea Salonga. She had also started to get offers to write something for Broadway runs which gives the both of them opportunities to come visit US from time to time.

Since Nicole had been living at the student accommodations in Cambridge, only when she comes home does the house become so loud and full of excitement.

Robert Chien and Darren Santillan would always make it a point to go have a vacation off whenever Nix goes home from the University of Cambridge. That way, they can all be together during holidays and special occasions.

In some occasions, Lea and Ellie were the ones going to US, to visit the guys and have Apollo see his father. Lea and Rob's relationship had gone back well so far. The Broadway star had become warm with how he treats her own husband. It seems she really just needs time away from Rob.

As for Ellie, she gets to spend some time alone with Darren and their son when they go to New York. She and Apollo stays at her husband's apartment as the father and son have their quality bonding time. This gives Ellie some time to visit the Broadway strip as well, watching some shows to add on to her research and possibly get new ideas on improving her scriptwriting.

Everything works out well with this kind of setup these two families have made for themselves. El's parents have been made aware that their daughter never really divorced Darren but remained mum about it. They respect Ellie's decision and decided that from now on, they will let the writer make her own decisions and run her life in its own course. They visit them in England at least few times a year whenever Rebecca and Eleazar misses their daughter's son. They are already satisfied knowing that their Unica hija gets to live happily and are just expecting for their grandson to grow up to be a fine man, waiting for him to take over all the family assets.

As for the Broadway star's family that was left behind in the Philippines, Gerard Salonga remains to be active in the local music industry. He serves as the musical director and main conductor of Abs and Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra. He takes good care of Ligaya as the elderly spends most of her time watching over her grandchildren on Gerard's side. But whenever Lea is having concerts abroad, the filial son leaves the country temporarily to be with his sister and be the musical director of Lea's orchestra accompaniment.

Filipino fans and admirers are still idolizing El and Lea with the career paths they've chosen despite living thousands of miles away. They never fail to show their support online with whatever new updates social media gets ahold from the two.

There was only one time that Lea had gone back to the Philippines together with her protege. And that was when she received the award from being recognized as a National artist for Music and in Theater. It was a recognition that she had long deserved to get. An endless congratulatory support had flooded the star when she finally held the certificate proving she's now a member of the Order of the National Artists in the Philippines, housed in a big elegant frame.

Though she hasn't been considered a national artist for literature yet, Ellie had been summoned at the Malacañang Palace as well, as she is a recipient of another Order her coach belongs to. For her meritorious effort in revolutionizing the way of scriptwriting here in their native land; for reviving the local theater industry with her collaborations with Atlantis Theater Group, making opportunities for local actors to be discovered not just locally but internationally as well; and by continuously building up her name globally with her impeccable writing skills, proudly showcasing her Filipino roots which once again puts the Philippine flag on the global scene, Ellie had come to receive her medal of honor as a Commandant from the Order of Lakandula. It was personally given to her by the President as she stood along the line of other awardees.

The years continue to go on smoothly for the coach-protege lovers. They have been so much happy spending their days with each other, having their kids on their side as well. It was such a total bliss, being away from the prying eyes of everyone. Just being able to spend all day relaxing on their London home, doing leisurely activities together or working on a play together makes their everyday life complete.

"I will never get tired of living this kind of life.." Lea said to her lover as they spend the afternoon on a picnic near the lake at their home.

Nicole was still away for her graduate studies and Apollo was gone for the day school, so she and El were the only ones to enjoy the afternoon trip.

"Yeah.. I thank God for letting me wake up beside you everyday." Ellie smiles at her coach. Lea remains beautifully youthful despite almost reaching her senior years. She still looks the same when she was in her thirties, except for the veins slowly etching up on her hands.

"I could say the same. You truly have opened the world of impossibilities for me."

"You are my love, always."

Ellie holds her lover's hand as they smile at each other, feeling fulfilled with the happiness they've got on their grasp. The love they have doesn't need to be physically romantic anymore. As long as they are beside each other day by day is already enough. Waking up beside each other, living under the same roof, eating all their meals together at the same time, being able to work and spend afternoon activities together; these are all simple pleasures but those are what make these two ladies happy, feeling they're in paradise. The two continues to look up at the clouds in the sky as they appreciate the cold afternoon breeze.

It seems everything had really fallen to their rightful places. As all things work out for each one's interests.

Thereafter, there was a happy ending for every one, especially for Ellie and for Lea.

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