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"Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you"

1 Peter 5:7————————————————————————

It was a Sunday morning, It was her birthday yet there she was thinking about when this was all going to end.

His words provoked her to write, she wanted to prove him wrong, she wanted to prove to him that she was more than just a useless woman.

She opened the Old MacBook she had purchased from a yard sale. She opened the Word document to quickly start trying but yet she sat there with a blank sheet before her, the words seemed to have dried up before she typed them down.

She shut the laptop in frustration, it was just a reflection of bitterness she felt towards Adrain and more than him towards herself.

" Why do you have to be such a loser" whined Martha with tears forming up in her eyes.

Is Today the day to die

Martha felt like today was the perfect day to end it all, You might be thinking It's morning and it's her birthday but it's only when she was awake she thought more about ending it all.

Martha was sinking, it felt like every single person she relied on to rescue her had walked out there she was all deserted, Drowning, and searching for an arm that might redeem yet no one came to her rescue.
Martha was Drowning but what she doesn't realize is that her savior walks on water.

Martha decided to end it all at the Bluesberry Bridge—it was an elegant bridge located above clear blue water but its history was not as impressive as it looks, The first suicidal case was recorded in 1956 and since then many suicidal cases have occurred, people dread to go there fearing ghosts but all that the bridge consisted of was innocent souls who deserved to live.

It was a bright sunny day, what a nice atmosphere to end your life, even better on your birthday.

Martha put on a Black turtle neck frock, she put on some makeup finishing off with killer red lipstick.

She went out through that door with a smile knowing that she's never walking back through them ever again.

She took a cab to the bridge, her heart racing the decision that felt so easy a few minutes ago felt like a terrible one.

" You are going to the bluesberry bridge?" asked the driver peeking at her through the rear mirror.

" Yes sir"

" Anything you wanna talk about"

" No sir," said Martha her tone firm and refusing.

The driver remained silent he didn't want to speak beyond her will.

He eventually brought her to the bridge, when she stretched to hand him over the money—the little that she had.

" I know you don't wanna talk about it, but can you give him a chance" said the driver his voice filled with sympathy.

" Who?"

" Your creator, the one who loves you so much, the one who died for you so that you may live, the one that cares for you—his name is Jesus.

Another Christian nut, Martha rolled her eyes in frustration, why was she the only one who had to deal with these crazy lunatics.

" Thank you sir, I appreciate it but I don't think I need your Jesus" said Martha with a sarcastic smile slamming the door shut.

The cab driver wished he could do something to support yet she declined them all, this was her decision and no one could stop her.

After several failed attempts he drove away but the guilt stayed, it was his duty, he felt like he was in debt to God and himself.

Yet the holy spirit lifted him spiritually —God had bigger plans for her.

As she stepped on the bridge, the ambiance was quiet, the kind of silence that will drive you mad, she wandered, she felt like she walked through the paths of many who took the same route.

And when she reached the end of the bridge signifying the end of hers too, she footed on it holding tightly.

"Don't do it, please don't I have a big plans for you" whispered a quiet yet soothing and peaceful voice from inside.

"Don't be a coward just jump you don't deserve to live" whispered another.

A step closer, she looked down at the clear blue water which appeared to go deeper than it looks. It seemed stunning yet so terrifying at the same time.

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