Hero Association Pt. 2!

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Tuesday 7:00 am - Cloudy 🌤

"D-don't leave me here...."
"All alone..."
"In the dark..."
"It's cold..."
"I'm scared..."

You were gasping as you woke up, what a horrible nightmare you had! Your father and Genos came rushing to your room, literally slamming the door down.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay!?"

"Little sensei what happened!?"


Your throat tightened as you clenched your fists, still holding your blankie and tears started rolling down your face, the moment of realization hit the both of them. You had a nightmare. Your father rushed to your side and hugged you tightly, rubbing your back gently.

"Shh, it's ok now kiddo, we're here, we're here.."

"Don't worry little sensei! Me and sensei will be here to protect you at all times!"

Genos huffed proudly as he put his fist to his chest and smiled. You giggled softly as Saitama wiped a stray tear from your cheeks. You yawned and slowly got up, getting on Saitama's back. You pointed to the kitchen and he gladly took you there on his shoulders. He took some spaghetti (for you), spicy ramen (for him), and tofu (for Genos) and heated them in the microwave seperately.

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