Part 10

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Alright, I'm going to try something different. Instead, of starting from (Y/n)'s POV and moving on to Sebastian's we're going start and Sebastians POV and then go switch back and forth to (Y/n)'s as the progression of the chapter moves forwards. Also, I'm sorry if Sebastian acts a little OOC I'm kind of struggling on this book and I don't want to leave in uncompleted

I couldn't believe it. What would a demon want with (Y/n)? She hasn't done anything involving dark matters as far as I know. "(Y/n)?!" I called her name again, hoping for some sort of response. I had to resort to using my own powers to break through the door. Once inside the room, I was completely shocked. The door was shut again, and (Y/n) was on the floor hugging her knees as a black aura surrounded her. I muttered a curse under my breath. "(Y/n)!!"  I called out testing to see if she could hear me now that I was in her room. Though, as expected, she couldn't. I made my way through her room, trying to get to her, swirling winds and noise surrounding me. I could hear her muttering to herself. She seemed frantic, almost completely out of it. Like, she wasn't true here. I touched her shoulder, just to feel a burning sensation on my hand. I quickly snatched it back. I couldn't help her, not physically at least.

(Y/n)'s POV

All I could see was darkness and light. Beautiful swirls of it surrounding me. I wasn't comforted by it, it was alarming. I could still hear the screams of Robert when I killed him. I hated to admit that the sound gave me small amounts of pleasure. It seems everyone around me ends up in some sort of trouble. I hated it. I was a horrible person. All of this pain is my fault. "No, it is not," a voice said. I perked up. "Who said that?!" I called out, The voice was smooth and deep, foreign, yet familiar. "You do not know me yet, child. For that I can only blame myself," he said. Who is this person? Why are they bothering me? Are they responsible for these horrid visions? "All your questions will be answered soon, my child. You have grown up, though you are still my little Ryu," he said. "H-how do you know what I'm thinking?" I asked. I heard him chuckle "You're my child, (Y/n). I can easily read your face," responded

My eyes widened in shock. I felt confused and disbelief. "F-father?..." I said. "I don't understand... You can't be my father!! He-" the voice cut me off abandoned you, I know," he said, the voice sounded ashamed almost, at what he did. "W-why? Why come back now?! After all the pain you've already caused me!!!" I screamed at him, anger forming inside of me

Sebastian's POV

I was forced to wait for her to calm down. I know of a way to help her, but I didn't want to risk permanently harming her, or losing her trust. Since she still doesn't know that I'm a demon entering her head will cause her shock and possibly ruin our relationship. I don't know why I care so much about what she thinks of me. Then, I had an idea. This should work without alarming her. I removed my gloves to see my mark glowing a bright purple. I sat down in front of her, focusing.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Why can't you just leave me alone!!" I screamed, dark started to overcome the light as my rage grew more and more. "(Y/n), please calm down I-" I cut him off. "You don't have the right to tell me to calm down!! MY mother is dead. I've lost my only friend. Hell, I'm being hunted down!! And you want me to calm down?!!" I screamed. My hand started to burn I looked down at it. The same (F/c) pentagon glowing on it. I looked back up hearing the man who claimed to be my father speak. "Look, (Y/n). I understand I have not been the best father, but you have to understand why I couldn't be with you," he tried to reason. "No! I don't have to do anything for you!! What have you ever done for me?!" As I screamed a dragon seemed to materialize in front of me, facing the same direction I was roaring my words. "You will never be my father!! I  don't ever want to hear from you again!!!" I screamed. Suddenly, the darkness and light began to blend into one big blur. I was lightheaded. "(Y/n)?" the voice said, materializing into a man. I couldn't make out his face as he ran to me. "K-keep your hand off me..." I said, backing away from him. Suddenly, it all went black...

Sebastian's POV

She collapsed into my arms and everything stopped. I sighed. I didn't completely know if this would work or not. I pick (Y/n) up and placed her on her bed. "What am I going to do with you?" I said, moving her hair out of her face. I shook my head, she seems to always find herself in some sort of trouble. I don't know much about her past, but it seemed that it continues to give her these consent episodes. I'll have to keep a better eye on her. Make note of the triggering things and avoid them as much as possible. I'll also need to tell Ciel about this, despite her previous warnings. Besides, I didn't have to tell him everything. Just to make sure she doesn't go through anything that will trigger any old memories. I continued to watch her sleep as her chest moved up and down. Her hair was a mess, and her cheeks were tearstained, but despite this, she still looked so at peace. I looked at my clock seeing the time, 5:30 PM. I needed to make dinner.

"Sleep well,  my kitten," I said, kissing her forehead before walking out of her room...

〰️🌹〰️Time skip〰️🌹〰️

(Y/n)'s POV

 I sat up on my bed, not remembering how I got there. Suddenly a headache hit me. All memories of that man flew back to me. It doesn't make any sense though, he couldn't have spoken to me. It was just another hallucination. A dream. That must have been it. I had left Sebastian in the garden and fallen asleep and... Sebastian! I put my head in my hands, "That was horrible..." I mumbled. I need to apologize to him. I sighed and looked in the mirror. My (H/l) hair was tangled, and my eyes were red and puffy. My cheeks were tear-stained, and my throat was sore. I grabbed my brush and began to brush my hair. The occasional tugs on my scalp, it took me a while, but I eventually got all the tangles out of my hair. I decided to take a shower (were there showers back then?) and washed my hair and bathed thoroughly. Once I stepped out, I grabbed my second maid's outfit, which was slightly different from the one I usually wear. The skirt reached my knees, and the color scheme was basic black and white. The sleaves were short and there was no headpiece to go with it. I only wore it when I needed to clean the other one. I left my room and checked the clock around my neck.  5:55 PM. Sebastian should be finishing Ciel's dinner. Which means Ciel is in his office. I walked down the hall, passing Mey-rin. Who suddenly turned around and called my name. "M-miss (Y/n)!!" she called out. I turned my head to her, "Yes, Mey-rin?" I responded. "Are you alright? I heard something happened earlier today, and I saw you run into your room!" she asked.  I gave her a soft smile, "Everything is fine Mey-rin. Thank you for asking," I responded. She smiled back and nodded, before running off.

Ciel's POV

Sebastian was now speaking to me about what had happened with (Y/n). A demon has recently consulted her, but he is refusing to tell me anything else. "I hope you aren't requesting I take her off the case," I said to him. He looked off to the side, "That isn't what I  was suggesting, Young Master, but-" I cut him off "Good, because she is the best we have and I'm not going to let her childish fears get in the way of my case," I told him. This wasn't entirely true. Even I have grown to care for (Y/n) while she's been here. Knowing her, I doubt that she wanted Sebastian to tell me this information, and knowing Sebastian he probably found a loophole in it all.  She is a kind-hearted person. Though, when she didn't trust me, nor Sebastian. Yet, she seemed to open up to Elizabeth and Mey-rin very easily. With Sebastian's information, I can only assume that it has something to do with her past. I don't want to risk (Y/n), but my loyalty to the queen must come first. 'I'm sorry for what has happened to you (Y/n), but I must solve this case,'

Words: 1530

Posted: November 9th, 2020

I want to apologize for not posting the earlier, I really did mean t, but I had a momentary writer's block, and I'm writing two other stories at the same time. I hope you can all forgive me. You guys still have that pass for getting me to 100 reads, and if it hits 250 I'll give you all another. I love you all my beautiful readers!!! See you later!!

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