Part B

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We had yet another mission. Another assassin's group was attacking us, so now we had constant missions to slowly kill off the members and hopefully get to the leader. This time we were going after one of the group's top assassins. Sunako and I were the top two assassins in our clan, so it made sense that we were told to go after the target.

Our target was known as the Mad Rabbit. They were called this because they could kill as much as a rabbit could multiply. It was a dangerous mission, but we were ready for it, or so we thought...

"So, what do they look like again?" Sunako asked me, we were on top of a roof on an abandoned two-story house. Watching above the crowd moving across the streets. This street was normally busy, not too idea for an assassin, but with the right tool, you could use it to your advantage.

"They're a male with white hair, and usually wearing all white. They have bright blue eyes and pale skin. They're about 5'9", look to be 24, and about 146 lb. with a lean built," I told her, reading off the handwritten file in my hand.

Sunako's hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, her bangs covering her left eye. Though, it still managed to reach her mid-thigh. She was in an outfit that seemed to blend in mere than most. It was a black dress with white lace on the front corset-style bodice. It was a gothic style dress, which seemed to fit her quite well. She had a sewn-in pocket on the skirt of her dress, a blade with a black handle in inside blending in securely.

I, on the other hand, was wearing a white dress with a simple bodice. It had an angelic look to it, opposite to Sunako's. This way we could easily identify each other if separated, though it did risk others identifying us as well. I also had a pocket sewn into my dress, carrying a small pistol. My hair was left out in it's natural (h/l) length.

Sunako took one last glance at the street below, it was getting dark out, and around 6 o'clock. Everyone was heading home for the evening. We had a good amount of time before the streets became quiet enough for us to hunt for the Mad Rabbit.

"So, what's the plan?" Sunako asked me, as we head inside of the worn building. There was a small crate that I had decided to use for a table, pulling out a piece of paper I had stuffed in a black bag I was carrying.

I had spread the paper out onto the crate, it was the blueprints of a bar Mad Rabbit had gone to every day. The blueprints were hand-drawn with every room, entrance, and exit labeled. "So, Mad Rabbit goes to this bar every night. No one knows exactly why, but it may be either A) a little something he enjoys, or B) He was someone he cares for there," I started. "Mad Rabbit always sits in the same area every night. Here," I said and pointed to a point in the left corner of the paper. We are going to come in through here," I said pointing to the opposite end. Sunako nodded. "We're not going to engage with him until it's around the time that he leaves. Then, I'm going to introduce myself as a distraction as he walks out. now, he usually leaves the bar through here," I said, pointing at the bottom af the paper. "You're going to be waiting here until I give you the code word, 'Midnight', that is when you're going to strike," I said.

Sunako nodded at this, reaching into her dress pocket pulling out a small knife, with a blade about 5 inches. "Do you think I'll have enough time to play with him?" she asked, playing with the blade in her hand. Sunako had certain... sadistic tendencies when it came to our targets. I never understood them, but I respected them and didn't question them. I guess that's what this job could do for you.

"I don't think so unless you like playing with a lifeless rag doll," I said. She pouted a bit at this. "I guess it's better than nothing," she said, her pout turning into a small smirk.

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