Chapter 4: Ignacia

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The fiery red bird flew between trees and small branches, with Clover and Astrid not far behind.

"Slow down, bird! C'mon, Astrid- just up here!" Clover yelled, jumping over some logs and trying not to fall.

The bird slowed down as if to allow the two tired teens to catch up. It then looked behind to see if they were close. The creature came to a stop at a small cabin that had thick vines draped and flowers scattered around it.

"Woah..." Astrid said, looking ahead in amazement.

"Woah is right," Clover agreed, spinning in small circles to look at the tall trees around them and the flowers that decorated the ground. "This place is beautiful."

"Hello?" a voice suddenly spoke.

Clover turned her focus to see a pretty girl standing ahead of them. She had long wavy brown hair that went down to the middle of her back, and dark brown eyes.

"Oh, hello. I'm Clover, and this is Astrid- they use they/them pronouns, by the way. Who are you?" Clover greeted, introducing herself to the girl

"I'm Ignacia," the girl told them. "Ignacia Delgado Aguero- but you can just call me Iggy, if you want."

"Okay- and is that your bird? We followed it through the woods and it brought us here," Astrid explained, looking at the bird who was now perched on a stump.

"Oh, yes she is. Her name is Phoebe- she's a phoenix," Ignacia told them, sticking her arm out for Phoebe to fly onto.

The bird swooped up and landed on the girl's arm, shaking its feathers as it landed.

"You're part of them too, aren't you?" Ignacia asked.

Clover and Astrid hesitantly turned their heads to look at each other, "I'm sorry- we don't know what you mean," Astrid answered, turning their head away from Clover to look back at Iggy.

The girl pet her bird's head, looked at Clover and then back at Astrid, "Yes you do, I know you do," she retorted, her phoenix flying from it's place on her arm, back to it's previous position on the tree stump. "And I know you guys are part of them- why else would Phoebe bring you here?"

"Are you part of it?" Clover asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

How did this girl know that they might be apart of the group?

"Of course I am. It's not everyday that you see someone with a phoenix, now is it?" Iggy pointed out, crossing her arms and looking between the two once again.

"Well... what can you do?" Astrid asked her.

Ignacia closed her eyes, then her hair burst into flames of red and orange, startling Clover and Astrid.

"What the-" Clover blurted out in astonishment.

The fire on Iggy's head went out and she seemed unharmed- no burns or anything.

"I think you get the idea now. I'm basically like- part phoenix and part human," she said. "What can you two do?"

"I can control plants and flowers and make them grow any way I want," Clover replied, sprouting a little pink flower in the palm of her hand. "I'm also a fairy- my wings are hidden right now but I'll show you next time a reveal them."

"That's cool. What about you, Astrid?" Ignacia asked, glancing over at the nervous-looking person.

"I have stellar manipulation... I can control stars and stuff," Astrid said, scratching the back of their head. "It's not dark out so I can't show you, but that's what I can do."

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