Letter 1

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Dear Draco, 

I've been thinking about you a lot. Constantly actually. I may have a problem now that I think about it. Images of you race through my mind. Your ocean blue eyes and striking blonde hair. And your smile, it gives me butterflies every time. I need you to know that I love you. You may not feel the same, I understand, no need to feel bad for me. I'm never the girl to be chosen by anyone, ever. But I need you to know that I care and that you make me feel a way I never thought I would feel again. When you're around I have butterflies in my stomach, flying fast and recklessly. You make me happy when you smile and when you're sad, I am too. When you're around my hearts in my throat, beating faster than ever. And when you're not around, a sense of dread fills me, no more happiness, not until we're close again. I love you Draco Malfoy. I've loved you ever since our first year at Hogwarts, when you introduced yourself to me, shaking my hand, that gave me butterflies. I remember distinctly. And I know you don't feel the same, I know that. I just thought you should know how I feel. 

Love Natalia

Dear Draco, Dear NataliaWhere stories live. Discover now