Letter 3

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Dear Draco, 

I saw you in class today. You looked sad. What's wrong? I really care about you and I don't like to see you sad. It makes me sad. You looked really handsome though. I could tell you tried this morning, styled your hair, even put on aftershave. I could smell it. Peppermint, I love peppermint. I caught a whiff when we stood together right before you sat down next to Pansy Parkinson. Or maybe that was your cologne? I even curled my hair for you, what a waste that was, you never even looked my way for a second. But if you're sad I want you to know that you can always come to me. I would love to run my fingers through your blonde hair while you cry your eyes out on my shoulder. We can lay on my bed, you tracing my skin as I whisper that it's ok, you're going to be fine, I love you and you are going to be ok because I love you. You will always have me no matter what. I'll be here, waiting for you. If I'm being honest I'll always be waiting. You are my first love and I will never forget that, ever, never ever. You are special to me, I want you to be ok and loved. Draco, I can make you feel loved. Just come home. 

Love Natalia 

Dear Draco, Dear NataliaWhere stories live. Discover now