xxi| The Past Revisited pt 2

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12th of November, 1944

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12th of November, 1944.

"Come on, it wasn't that cold, Mia," Fleamont reasoned, throwing his bag down on the table in the Great Hall as he sat down on the bench.

The Gryffindor ladies had been pranked once again by the boys, irritated as they woke up to the winter breeze freely flowing through their dorms.

"Not for you anyway, but those who's duvets magically disappeared during the night, it was benumbing." Euphemia retorted, sitting beside him, Maria resting opposite them.

"You wouldn't know anything about that, would you Montie?" Maria quizzed him, grabbing one of the pain au chocolat from the tray in front of the trio.

Faking outrage and placing his hand on his heart Fleamont replied, "Merlin no Mar, I wouldn't dream of it. Besides, Euphemia seemed exceptionally warm snuggled up next to me."

"If you two are going to get all lovey-dovey on me, get a room." Maria declared.

"Don't mind him, " Fi said as a blush crept up onto her cheeks, " his snoring is worse than Slughorns."

The two women burst into laughter, giggling even harder at the pout present on Fleamont's lips. The potions master reputation for his loud napping.

"You wound me, Mia!"

"Speaking of Slughorn, we've got potions first." Fi began.

"Oh brilliant." Montie interrupted, reaching over her to snatch up the last croissant, only to be slapped by Euphemia.



Rolling her eyes, Euphemia turned to face Maria, leaning in as she spoke, "This is your chance, M."

"I'm not going to the Yule ball, besides he doesn't even talk to me anymore."

Ever since the whole Valtor fiasco last year, Tom Riddle hadn't even said hello to the fairy anymore. This worried Maria, he knew her secret; not even Fi and Montie knew. Even with Tom being sworn to secrecy by Albus, it still didn't settle the young fairy's nerves.

"It wouldn't hurt to ask."

"Do you hear yourself Fi, you know he's always surrounded by his like fan club."

"Setting up a fan club for me, are we Lightly?"

Both women wrinkled up their noises, Fleamont wrapping his arm around Euphemia and pulling her in a bit tighter. Anyone could put a name that sleazy, arrogant voice.

"In your dreams Malfoy."

"Come on Lightly, it's no secret you can't resist me, " Abraxas countered with a smirk, his group of followers egging him on as he wrapped his hands around Maria and pulled her closer to him.

Quickly shoving him away, Maria tastefully replied, both her, Fi and Montie turning up their noses in disgust, " Resist walloping you more like."

"Is there a problem here Malfoy?"

Turning her head, Maria couldn't help but stare, sticking her tongue out at Euphemia who had her famous 'I told you so' look etched on her face as Tom Riddle graced their presence.

"Just asking Maria here to the ball," Malfoy stated the obvious.

"Well, you needn't bother, as she already has a date."

Now, this caught Maria by surprise.

Locking eyes with Tom, Maria taunted the wizard, playfully questioning, "Do I really? Last time I checked I was still available."

"Surely you haven't forgotten? I wouldn't have classed you as having a fairy's brain." He asserted, the cold ocean swirling in his eyes told her everything she needed to know, toying with her like a puppet.

Facing away, Maria glanced up the staff table, Albus starting back at her as she replied, tactfully, "Must have slipped my mind momentarily."

Before Tom could utter another word, Professor Dumbledore spoke from behind them, " Is everything alright here?"

"Perfectly fine Professor, " Tom spoke first, cool and calculated, though Professor Dumbledore didn't seem convinced, turning to Maria."

Looking up, she too replied calmly, yet her eyes told a different story," Splendid."

"I suggest you make your way to your next class, wouldn't want you to be late," Albus instructed, his tone shifting to one of indication.

Tom and his group were the first to leave, followed by M, Fi and Montie, all arm in arm.

"What was all that about?" Fi asked Maria, utterly befuddled.

"I haven't the slightest idea."

And things got even stranger. All through the potions class, they shared Tom was as silent as a mouse, leaving Maria in a state of turmoil with herself.

So later that evening, she did the only thing that would've proved effective. She snuck out. Getting down the dungeons where Riddle was patroling was a mission in itself, ducking down by the portraits of past teachers on the fifth floor and stopping just at the corner of the grand staircase as the caretaker rounded down the third-floor corridor.

Spotting the wizard in question just outside the girl's lavatory, Maria saw her opportunity and seized it.


Tom jumped slightly, grabbing her worst and pulling her into the bathrooms as he shouted in a whisper, "You shouldn't be down here, I could give you detention."

"Yes you could, but you won't." Maria teased, unintentionally biting her bottom lip.

"And how would you know?" Tom asked, stepping forwards and making Maria step back

"Maybe it's the fact that I'm irresistible, outrageously humorous, kind to every soul I meet-" Maria exaggerated, cut off by Tom.

"You hold your self too high."

"Not as high as you. You wouldn't even look at me three weeks ago and now you assume I'm going to ball with you, let along going at all." The fairy argued, pointing her finger right at his chiselled chest.

"Are us common folk not worthy enough to spend a night in your presence Lightly?"

"You owe me an explanation Riddler."

"And you, talk too much."

"Wha-" before she could even comprehend what was happening, Tom captured her in a kiss, fighting for dominance.

After a few moments, the pair broke for air, Maria panting at the abrupt end. She looked into his ice-cold eyes, he staring equally at hers. She couldn't stop herself, almost trance-like as she leaned in for another kiss. This was the moment she had waited for.

The moon shone above them that night, sealing their faiths, and completing the prophecy:

A woman with more power than Merlin himself will fall for the Dark Lord... Love freely given will bind them in the heavens, marking each other as equals... The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord will come to harness this strength as the final month begins...



And we have another chapter! I was putting up Christmas decorations all day so I'm a bit late with the chapter, but here none the less!


I Do Believe in Fairies ☽ 𝗔 𝗛𝗣 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now