part three

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Hiiiiii Louuuu. I'm done with my accounting lecture. Want to meet me at the usual spot? x H

hey h. i'll be there in about 15???? u also don't have to keep signing ur texts i have u saved on my phone believe it or not

This what I do, Lou. It's my thing. Please don't mock my aesthetic. x H

oh my god

Louis knew he was right when he'd said that he and Harry were going to be good friends. He really did.

And he had several reasons to back up why.

For one, the two of them loved the Backstreet Boys. There was an entire night where they'd blasted popular 90's boybands' music in Louis's flat and sang along obnoxiously just like the first time, except this time Harry did it in front of him and not behind the front door like a sneaky creep.

Two, Harry was a great cook and Louis had never cooked a meal in his life, so it went hand in hand. When the two of them didn't meet up to eat a meal off-campus, Harry would always offer Louis homemade breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. And who was Louis to turn down delicious dishes that Harry himself prepared? He'd be a fool to do.

Three, the two of them got on so beautifully. Their banter was great; Louis hadn't met someone in a long time who could counter back to his sassy and witty remarks as cheekily as Harry could. And there wasn't a thing that the two of them couldn't talk about. Within the first week, they'd covered almost all grounds while getting to know each other from fears about growing up, dreams about the future, old memories from when they were kids, etc.. They even talked about their parents' divorces, exchanging experiences, and thoughts about marriage and love and finding soulmates that were right for them. It was so lovely and Louis could hardly believe the fact that he could talk to someone who he barely knew a mere few weeks about almost anything without the fear of being judged. It was hard to find people like that and you shouldn't let them go when you'd found them. And Louis didn't intend to let Harry go.

However, as similar and compatible as they were, they were also miles different.

For one, Louis was a drama major and knew when to fake it. Harry, on the other hand, was a terrible liar. He couldn't do it even if there was a gun held to his head. One night when Louis was over and they were marathoning all the Scream movies on Netflix, Harry had eaten a burrito he had found in his fridge but turned out it was Liam's. He'd only realized it when he was more than halfway done and looked at Louis with panic in his eyes. Louis told him to just lie and blame it on Niall or something. Needless to say, Harry fessed up right away and went to buy Liam another burrito.

Another would be their athletic skills. While Harry was built quite impressively, it was only because he'd frequented the school gym often. His skills when it came to football were subpar as Louis came to know. One day, he'd asked Harry to go for a kickabout out in the park beside their building and Harry agreed easily. When they got to playing, Louis was doing circles around Harry, scoring goal after goal while Harry couldn't even properly kick the ball. Since then, Louis made a solemn promise not just to Harry, but also to himself, that he'd help Harry get better.

And despite knowing Harry as well as Louis did because of the past few days they'd been spending together, he wanted to know him even better. He wanted to know Harry better than the back of his hand. He wanted to know what kept Harry up at two am or what song was stuck in his head or how he'd look in Louis's bed or whether or not he snored while he slept. Louis wanted to know about every single one of Harry's dreams, from the ones that didn't make sense to the ones that wouldn't leave his mind, and what other movies brought tears to his eyes other than Titanic. And Louis really wanted to know what Harry's face would look like if he kissed the inside of his thighs.

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