Park Visit!

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'Alright, this looks fine.' (Insert what you wanna wear (: )! I observe myself in my body length mirror, messing with my hair a bit. As I stare at myself, I begin to wonder what I'd look like with Satan right next to me.

I grip the clothes on my stomach, feeling the overwhelming sensation of nervousness. Staring down at my shoes I start to feel a bit self conscious-- nothing too serious but still, it isn't a great feeling.

Growing up, my childhood definitely wasn't the worst but I wouldn't ever call it perfect. I grew up having an unstable perception of love and of my own self imagine. In fact, I've been really desensitized to a lot of romantic things because of my childhood.

That's why I'm worried about the chance that I like Satan. 'It feels so weird.' I think as I look up to stare at myself again.

Knock knock

"Oh, uh, yeah?" I look towards my bedroom door. "Come in!"

Satan opens the door, glancing around my room for a second until his eyes get to me. I watch as they stuck there, eventually moving up to keep eye contact. "You look dressed up."

"Yeah..." I pause and release the cloth I had been crunching up in my hands this entire time, successfully wrinkling my clothes. "I just wanted to look nice, I haven't really been going anywhere so I haven't had a reason to get dressed." I laughed, turning my body towards his.

He nodded, a small smile on his face. "In that case, would you like to go somewhere?"

'Oh wow, I really wasn't expecting that.' I quietly stare at him, never once breaking contact. "Are you sure? I don't even think you know any places around here!" I laugh, walking towards him.

"Well, I've been doing my research. It wasn't hard to memorize the maps." Satan chuckled as I nudged him out of my room.

"You don't have to do that! We have online maps to take us anywhere." I wiggle my phone in his face as I close my bedroom door, walking past him with a grin.

"Hm? Really?" He grabs my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. Satan brings my hand, which is holding my phone, to his face. "In Hell, you don't need something like that. Hell basically consists of one area, it's not too complicated to learn once you've been there for a thousand years or so."

"A-A thousand years?! Wait," I blush and remove my hand from his gentle grip. "Anyway, what is Hell even like?"

Satan hums, looking up presumably to think for a second. "I suppose it's very lively but also very depressing. It is a place for "bad" people, afterall."

I squinted my eyes at Satan, taking a step towards him. "So, what are you?"

With a blank face, he thinks again. "Ah," he smiles and places a hand on my head, "I'm your friend."

'Damn, that kinda fucking hurt?' I felt a pang in my heart, even though that's what I summoned Satan for. Being his friend isn't even a bad thing, it just felt really... bad.

I force a laugh and take his hand off of my head, not really sure how to act normal after that hit. "Well, we should probably go do something, right?"

There was an emotion plastered on Satans face that I couldn't read, but honestly, I might just be reading into it too much. He probably didn't care.

"Yes... anything you had in mind?" He questioned, giving a smile.

'Yeah, I don't think he cares.' "Um, maybe let's... go to the park or something? We can get some snacks and just relax."

Honestly, the park near your place was so comforting. It always made you feel so safe and it would definitely help calm you down.


"Hey, thanks for wanting to go somewhere with me today." I smiled with a relieving sigh, leaning against a tree as we sat in the little empty forest area of the park.

"About earlier..." Satan began. As he started that sentence, I nearly thought I was going to have a heart attack. 'Please don't say something bad.'

"Are you okay?" He sighed, finally being able to finish his, for what seemed like an eternity, inquiry.

I was slightly taken aback. "How do you mean?"

"Well...." Satan looked at me with a reassuring smile, "when I knocked on your door earlier, you seemed a little distressed."

"Ah, yeah." I chuckle to ease the tension. Although, it felt like I was the only one who felt it. "I'm okay, I was just thinking about stuff."

"Anything worth sharing?" He asked in a joking manner, probably to make me feel better.

It did work, though. I let out a small laugh, beginning to let go of some of my worry. "Do you.. like being friends?"

He didn't answer for a second, and instead of staring at me to keep eye contact like he always did, he looked up at the evening sky. With a soft smile, he said "Yes. I don't mind being your friend, or anything else for that matter."

A Sense Of Comfort (Satan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now