Stupid Fanfic Writers

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I wake up and yawn, stretching before I decide not to get out of bed yet.

I sigh and look around my bedroom, taking in every little detail. From the corner of the wall to the large bookshelf with the dying succulent.

And then there's Pissy, peaking her head out the crack of the door.

"Pissy, what are you doing?" I sigh and push the large blanket off my body as I sit up on the edge of my bed.

I lightly push Pissy away from the door so I could walk out. But, she wouldn't move without a fight!

"Damnit Piss-Piss.. just scoot over!" I crouch down and give her a little pet, brushing over her tabby coat. 'Yeah, she's really boring looking.' I laugh to myself before standing up.

As I walk out of my room, Pissy meows and follows behind my heels. I hum to myself.

"Wait..." I stop in my hallway and remember that I might've summoned Satan.

Now, in this moment, I really have no idea who is on my couch. 'Last night was a dream, right? Or, is there really Satan on my living room couch?'

'Please be the former...' I walk up to the couch and, "No hot man here! Thank God." I sigh in relief.

"What was that about God?" whispered a deep voice in my ear.

'Damn. I really do be living in a fanfic.'

"Ah, n-n-nothing!" I turn around and step back, slightly tripping myself.

"What are you doing, anyway!?"

He looked down at me, seemingly amused by my embarrassed state.

"Ah, nothing. Just curious as to who this," he stepped closer to me, "hot man is." He arched his brow.

"Obviously I was referring to Pissy!" I look away from him in false disgust.

"Oh, I was under the impression that Pissy was a female." He picked up Pissy and stared straight into her eyes, which earned him a few smacks from Pissy.

"Stop that! She doesn't like you!" I pout, taking my sweet baby from his hands.

"You know what, let's go get some food. I'm starving..." I pause and look over at Satan. "Wait, do you even eat?"

He glanced at me with a smirk, and shrugged. "I've no issue with human food." He paused and placed his hand on his hip, "Although, I do recall it is rather fattening. Perhaps you should be more particular about the food you eat?"

I furrowed my brows.

"Are you... are you calling me fat?" I asked, with angry emphasis on the word 'fat'.

"Hm?" Satan looked at me for a second, which really made me mad for some reason.

"Ah..." He started, but seemed to trail off. "Anyway, off to get some food now, yes?"

I glared at him, cursing his devilish handsome face and hot body and hot voice. God I hate him.

"Jeez, you're so annoying. Let's go."


"Y'know, we gotta get you some new clothes. I totally forgot you were wearing that."

I eye him up and down, genuinely loving the gray sweatpants and black hello kitty shirt. I'm glad I have oversized clothing for him. The shirt though, does hug his muscles a little bit...

He looked down at his attire, and nodded. "I think I need shoes, first."

"Oh yeah! I was just gonna get us fast food so I thought you wouldn't need shoes. Since uhh.. we won't be getting out of the car." I laugh a bit, turning into the drive thru of McDonalds.

Satan stares at the menu with interest.

"I think I want an ice cream cone."

I glance at him in surprise and nod, "Sure."

Ordering the food and getting home didn't take very long, thank God. But once we got here, Satan had already finished most of his ice cream cone.

"Let's get more." Satan demanded, licking his ice cream with a determined glint in his eyes.

I take a bite of my McChicken and while chewing I say 'no'.

But much to my amusement, Satan glares at me and sits away from me on the couch, crossing his arms after having finished his ice cream.

"Haha! Aweee, is the big bad Satan having a tantrum over some cold dairy product? Awe, the poor baby!" I mock in a baby voice, placing my hands on my cheeks.

"Don't you dare patronize me, human!" He growled, which kinda sounded like a little pout.

"Oh no! Did I hurt little baby's feelings? You look so cute with your arms crossed! Is somebody having a bad day?" As I continued to mock him and laugh, I started to see a little bit of a smile on his face.

A real, genuine smile!

It made me smile a bit more.

A Sense Of Comfort (Satan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now