Chapter 2 - The Garden

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"There's money in the bag," I squealed as I threw my bag at the man's feet. "Please just take it and leave me alone!" I closed my eyes and turned my head away from him, backing into a nearby wall.

"Ha! I don't want your money," he growled. Trembling, I opened one eye and saw him coming closer. He lifted the knife higher and it came down towards me, fast. Someone screamed. I realised it was me.

The knife missed and hit the wall.

"What the ... ?" exclaimed the man, who obviously thought he was going to strike me, and was just as surprised as I was when the knife missed. He turned around to face away from me and started talking to someone else. "How did you get here?"

I took the opportunity to kick him in the back, hard, and I heard a grunt as the wind got knocked out of him and he fell forwards. I grabbed my bag and started running, finding that Lily was running with me.

"You ... you knocked the knife away?" I asked between pants.

"Yeah," she replied. "You OK?"

"Shaken, but not hurt," I responded. We ducked round the next corner and stopped to catch our breath.

After a moment, Lily peeked around the corner, and said, "I think we lost him."

I breathed out heavily. "I've never had anything like that happen to me before," I told her. "You saved me. Thank you."

"You're most welcome," she said, as she looked into my eyes. She looked genuinely worried about me. "You must be scared, let me walk you home."

As we approached my front door, she asked me again if I was OK. "I am," I replied. "But my head's feeling a bit jumbled."

"You'd better go inside and get some rest," Lily said. "I'll see you soon." I watched her walk down the street and disappear around the corner as I opened the front door and stepped inside.

I told my parents everything, about my new friend and about the attack, and they called the Police that evening.

They then gave me a hot cocoa and helped me to bed.

Once in bed, I went over everything in my mind. It was wonderful that Lily had been there to stop that man, but where had she come from? Had she been following me home? If her house was in this direction, why didn't she walk home with me anyway instead of following behind?

And why did the man ask how she got there? That seemed like an odd thing to ask someone who had just stopped you from mugging someone else.

The questions tumbled through my mind as I drifted into a restless sleep.

The following morning, a Police Officer came over to our house. I tried to remember exactly what the man that had tried to attack me looked like, but my memory was a bit fuzzy. The Police Office told me I was probably still in shock, and just to do my best, which I did.

I was too shaken to go to the library that day, and after the Police Officer left, I stayed at home. Mum and I made cupcakes and I spent some time in my garden, trying to shake off the bad feelings I'd been left with.

The morning after, my head was a bit clearer, so I finally spoke to Mum about inviting Lily over for lunch. Of course, Mum said it was fine, so I called the number Lily gave me and asked her if she'd like to come over later. Lily sounded excited about the invitation, and she came over just before midday.

Mum opened the door when we heard the bell ring. 

"You must be the young lady that helped my daughter," she said to Lily as the door opened. "Please come in."

Lily thanked my mother as she stepped into the house and took her shoes off. "How are you feeling Caroline?" she asked me when she saw me.

"Still a little shaken, but better than I was," I answered honestly.

Lily walked towards me and gave me a big hug. 

"Do you know whether the Police caught the man who tried to attack you?"

It was Mum who answered.

"Apparently they haven't found anyone matching his description yet. Hopefully they'll get him soon. Lily, would you like a drink?"

Lily accepted some orange juice and I led her outside while Mum made lunch for us. I wanted to show her my garden, and I made sure I took the birdseed on my way.

"Wow, this is amazing," gasped Lily when she saw my pretty hyacinths and pansies. "The colours are incredible."

"I love it here," I replied. "It's so peaceful." A bee flew into a sweet pea flower as we sat down together. We chatted together about the types of flowers in the garden, and then the little robin flew down and hopped towards us.

"Take some seed," I offered Lily as she stilled and watched him.

She took the seed and slowly scattered it in his general direction. The little robin pecked at the scattered seeds.

"He's so adorable!" exclaimed Lily quietly. "And this is lovely, thank you for inviting me."

"Girls! Lunch!" called, Mum, and we went inside for cold quiche and sandwiches.

Once we were seated, Mum asked Lily where she lived. "I live near Whitstock Farm." replied Lily. "I don't know how long I'll be staying, but it's lovely to get to know people while I'm here." She picked up a sandwich and took a bite.

"I know where that is, on the other side of the village," said Mum as she reached for another slice of quiche. "How lovely. Are you the same age as Caroline?"

We hadn't discussed ages, so I didn't know how old she was. "I'm seventeen," she replied, as she started touching the end of her necklace.

"Me too," I grinned back at her.

"And which school are you studying at?" Mum asked. "Are you starting at the local secondary sixth form?"

"No," replied Lily, which surprised me because any other options were much further away. "I'm not studying at a school. I plan on using the library." She lowered her hand from her neckline and took a drink.

"Ah, so you're home-schooled?" asked Mum.

"Um ... yeah I guess I am," replied Lily, although she didn't sound quite sure. "I'm pretty self-motivated."

It was certainly possible. I remember when I spoke to her in the library she seemed very knowledgeable about Science, especially Physics.

We finished lunch with the cupcakes that Mum and I had made the day before. Lily and I spent a little more time in the garden before she said it was time for her to leave. I enjoyed her company and wanted to see her again soon.

"There's a little outdoor swimming pool just outside the village," I told her. "Maybe if the weather's nice we could go swimming tomorrow?"

Lily smiled. "I do need to get some studying done in the morning. How about we go after that?"

"I could come to the library with you in the morning," I suggested. "And then we could have lunch at the village café and then swim afterwards?"

"I can't wait," grinned Lily as she waved goodbye. "See you tomorrow morning at the library then Caroline!"

My smile felt like it filled my whole face. I had a lovely new friend, and I couldn't wait to see her again either.

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