Mixed Feelings

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Hello everybody I am thedeathlytribute giving you, yes you another chapter!
(I don't know. I feel like it...) and thanks for the 300 reads!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters they all belong to John Greenie!
I wake feeling exceptionally happy. I have the permission to hang out at Isaac's house for the three day weekend! He is a great friend, but makes it very awkward when he tries to do something romantic. I mean he's nice, sweet guy it's just that I feel like I'm betraying Augustus. I know I kissed him back. That might've gave off the wrong impression I had on him.

I get dressed and start to pack everything I need for a weekend. I am so excited!

I finished packing and made my way downstairs for breakfast. I made a simple breakfast: cereal.

As I finish up my mom comes down with some stuff she thinks I might need.

We hop in the car and that's when my mom starts talking excitedly.
"So are you and Isaac, like, together?" She asks curiously. She's asked that question many times before, but I always pretend I didn't hear.
"To be honest, I don't even know." I state
"Oh," She simply says." well you have to make up your mind. You're confusing the poor boy."
I don't say anything. I feel guilty, yet it's not something you can easily decide on. We ride the rest of the car ride in silence. Not, like, comfortable silence, but awkward silence.

We finally park on Isaac's driveway and I quickly get out of the car. My mom pops the trunk and I get my stuff. We walk to the front door and I knock. The door is then immediately opened by Isaac's mother.
"Oh good you're here," She says enthusiastically. "Isaac just in his room playing video games, as usual."
She beckons me to come in.
"Bye, Mom, love you." I give my mom a hug and she kisses my cheek.
"Have a fun time. And don't forget to call me every night."
"Bye." Isaac's mom waves.

"This is your home now," She states. "I you need anything just ask Isaac or me."
"Okay." I reply plainly.
I wander to Isaac's room. I've never actually been to his house. I mean I have, but only in the living room and bathroom. I'm guessing his room is the one where I hear the loud video game noises and screaming.

"NO I'M NOT GOING TO SAVE THE SCREAMING LADY. SHE CAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE!" Isaac shouts at the black screen. He's playing the video game that doesn't require vision.
"Hey, Isaac." I say.
Isaac flings the game controller form his hands jumps out of his chair, almost falling.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack, Hazel!" He chuckles. "Couldn't you see I was in the zone!"
We fall down laughing until our stomachs hurt. But then things got more serious when Isaac said, "Don't worry Hazel Grace, I would care if you died."
And at that instant he sounded a lot like Augustus and I fell in love with it. I turned to Isaac and said, "Don't you worry about me. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here."

I lean in. I couldn't contain these feelings anymore. I press my lips to Isaac's. It feels right. It feels true. It doesn't feel like I'm betraying Gus. He would want me to move on, not to live life barely living.

I break away and tell, "Isaac, I love you." I could smell his sweet shampoo and his cologne that gives off a manly smell.
"Hey I love you too." Declares Isaac. He grins like a madman and wraps his arms around me. I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead.

"This could work out, right?" I ask.
"This is going to be just fine." Isaac confirms.
Sorry this boring too! But I'm planning on making the next chapters more interesting! See ya later shanks!

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