The crew

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HEY I was jamming to that song says charli as Addison turns the engine off
"Oh well we're home you can listen to music in your own room bitch"says addi
"Fine"says Charlie's
"Okay then"she says giggling
"Can we just go in"I interrupted
We all get out of the car Addi and charli just walk over to the house yas I stand there in awe
"Come on then hurry up"says char
I catch up to them and charli opens the door before I even take a step through the door Tayler runs up to giving me a hug "I've missed you sooo much" he says holding me tight. Charli  and Addison look so confused
"Wait you didn't tell them dede"he says
"Kinda forget to"I say whilst laughing
"Well then kinda tell us what's going on"says Addi furrowing her brows
I explain that's Tayler is my older brother and they both genuinely look surprised
"You too are just as draft as each other why did any one of you guys tell me"she says
"I didn't know u guys we're friends" I say laughing
Addi-Any ways let's introduce you to everyone,HEY GET YOUR FAT ARSES IN THE LIVING AREA NOWWW!
Me-Jees add you have a big mouth
Tayler-trust me it's louder
Addison smiles as everyone comes to the living room
Addi-okay guys so as you may know this is Delani my bestie so bitches DONT TRY TO TAKE HER
Everyone just sits in silence
Addi-oh cmon guys I'm joking but please introduce yourself
Everyone introduces themselves to you and you start to worry less since everyone is so kind towards you.
Tay-there is still one person you need to meet..

AN: sorry it changes from speech to just there names at the side it just takes to long to do speech and it will be boring because it will just say, said .... so Yh hope u understand 😘💗

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