"it started out as a dare, but now I quite enjoy it."

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im begging you to imagine this man with an ear piercing. i am b e g g i n g.


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"So how's it feel?"

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"So how's it feel?"

James tilted his head slightly, turning his newly pierced ear towards the mirror to get a better look.

"I quite like it!" He smiled, shaking his head to get used to the new weight hanging from his earlobe.

"Oh thank God, I was worried there for a second!" Y/N laughed, placing the piercing gun on the bathroom counter. "You had this look of a scared baby, I thought I fucked up monumentally."

"No I do really enjoy it." James laughed slightly and gently touched the fresh stud in his ear. The skin was hot and slightly swollen, but  it did look really great on him.

"Is it done?!" Will shouted through the closed bathroom door. 

The Eboys and a few of their friends had gotten together for a small night of drinking after filming a video together, and eventually a game of truth or dare came up.

"Okay, Y/N, what's the most out of context thing you have in your bag?" George asked them, pointing to the black backpack.

"Oh jesus christ, you do not want to know." Y/N answered, grabbing the bag and fishing around. Pulling out a small toaster and placing it on the table earned a round of laughter from the group. A few pieces of paper flew out with the words "The Cave-Dwelling Vegan Who Took On Quaker Slavery And Won" was another question of Y/N's sanity. And finally the piercing gun found its way to the small table.

"What are you doing with these?!" Alex picked up the small toaster and set it in his lap, petting it ironically as if it were a dog.

"It was for a video, I swear!" Y/N defended themselves.

"You swear?? Who are you defending yourself from, the police?" George looked at the array of items on the table.

"Shush, no, it's fine, I haven't murdered anyone this month." Y/N laughed.

"This month??" George alarmed.

"Hey hey wait, so who's turn is it?" Will asked, taking a sip off his drink.

"Yours, since you asked." Alex shrugged.

"Okay!" WIll jumped in his seat, thinking of an idea. His eye landed on the piercing gun. "James! Truth or dare?" Will smirked.

"Dare." He nodded sharply, though the motion was loose and relaxed.

Will's smile widened. "I dare you to get your ear pierced."

The room went quieter than it had been.

"Okay, why not?"

It had been a few weeks. James was live on Twitch with Alex, waiting for the game to load up on his computer. Looking through the chat before putting on his headphones the word 'earring??' passed over the screen.

"Oh you've noticed have you?" James turned so his new stud was more visible to the camera. "I got an ear piercing! It's been kind of a bitch to take care of, but I do love it."

"Someone finally noticed it?" Alex asked, lightly amused it had taken the fans that long to see it.

"Yeah!" James' eyes read through the chat, most of it people freaking out about the fact he is an actual eboy now, and a few others asking for a backstory on it. "Okay, for context on why I got this,"

Alex laughed, remembering the night vividly.

"George, Will, Y/N, Alex and I were all hanging out and somehow Y/N had a piercing gun in their bag. The whole thing started out as a dare, but now I quite enjoy it." James brought a gentle hand up to twist the stud in its place, a small smile on his face.

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