they really make a 5 person sled

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i have been in deep snow since 2016 and i barely remember going sledding but i will attempt this as best i can with what imagination i have left :)

they/them reader maybe i might just be selfish and put my name in idk yet

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As Y/N stared out the floor to ceiling window of their flat, cup of tea in hand, chunky blanket on  their legs, watching the fluffy snow fall from above and onto the small patio. Soft music played in the kitchen behind them, the classical song so quiet it was unidentifiable. The day was cozy. Content. Y/N's attention went to the thick steam coming out of the top of their mug. Smiling slightly and letting their fingers dance in the white moisture.

They let out a yawn, perfectly happy with the idea of simply sitting and staring out the window for the day. Sipping from the small white cup in their hands, Y/N tugged the blanket up farther on their body, content with the idea of holing up for the foreseeable future.

Fate had other choices.

Three quick knocks on their front door startled them, and thankfully they didn't throw their tea over the bright white carpet under their chair.

"Y/N, you've got to be awake at this hour, hurry up and answer the door." Y/N almost smiled at the sound of her friend George's voice. Almost. They were on the verge of angry that anyone would dare interrupt their day to themself, friend or not.

"I'm getting there, I'm getting there." Socked feet padded across the cold tile floors to the front door. Opening it up and swinging it inward to see their four friends, George, Will, James and Alex, decked out in at least 3 pairs of every piece of clothing. A little overkill for only 30 degrees Fahrenheit, though with the conversions, it was quite cold in their grey little british minds.

"Want to come sledding with us?" All four asked simultaneously. Y/N burst out laughing at the perfect timing of the boys.

"I don't exactly have sledding clothing on." They smiled gently.

"We have extra clothes in the car!! C'mon, let's go-" Will was already turning to leave, expecting the others to follow him.

"Fine, fine," It didn't take much convincing for Y/N to spend a day in the snow with their friends. "Let me grab my phone and my keys and I'll be back in a second. I'll meet you all down in the garage. " Closing the door again as they turned away to go get their things and soon walk down to the car park.


"Jesus, where'd you find a hill this big in the middle of London?" Y/N asked, staring at the quite large mound that rose from the park grounds.

"Y/N, we're in the middle of a park, they have to have a little bit of different terrain for the old people to complain about. It wouldn't be London without it." Will pulled a quite large sled from the back of Ciarán's car that they had borrowed for the day.

"Good point." They replied, pulling mittens over their fingers and blowing heat onto the thick wool.

After a good 10 minutes of walking to and then up the hill, and the multiple times George said he was going to collapse because he was winded, to which James would reply every time "Pussy just hurry up" And would get 'tackled' by George in his smol rage.

They all made it, more or less, and then almost killed Will for not telling them that there was a set of stairs the entire time they could have used.

"Whatever, we made it and only a few of us died." Y/N glared at Will but went to grab the sled from James. "And now we'll have an easier way to get back up here for the second ride." They smiled, plopping the piece of plastic on the crunchy snow and going to sit on it.

"You guys better hurry up or I'll sled without you-" They smiled, inching closer to the edge of the hill.

The boys all piled forward, Will being right behind Y/N towards the front, Alex smashed between James and Will in the middle, and George ready to fall off the ass end. "Ready??" Y/N smiled, using all the strength in their legs to stop from pushing off early.

The boys chimed back with multiple answers, most of them positive. "Here we go!!" Lifting their feet from the now tightly packed snow, the sled lurched forward, hurtling faster and faster to the bottom of the hill. Screams and laughter of the group rang throughout the near parts of the park.

Hitting the bottom of the hill, the red piece of plastic carrying the five friends went into a spin on the packed ice. Y/N could hear Alex and Will squealing, while James was just laughing and George was silent as usual. Softly bumping into a handrail the spinning stopped and the group burst into laughter.

"If we go again I'm not sitting on the end, I nearly fell off."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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